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- योगींदुदेव
Date : 17-Nov-2022


गाथा / सूत्रविषयगाथा / सूत्रविषय
1-001) मंगलाचरण1-002) सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार
1-003) सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार1-004) सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार
1-005) सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार1-006) अरिहंत परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार
1-007) आचार्य, उपाध्याय, साधु परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार1-008) प्रभाकरभट्ट द्वारा विनती
1-009) विनती1-010) परमात्मा के कथन की विनती
1-011) तीन प्रकार के आत्मा को कहने की प्रतिज्ञा1-012) तीन प्रकार के आत्मा को जानने का प्रयोजन
1-013) बहिरात्मा1-014) अन्तरात्मा
1-015) परमात्मा1-016) ध्येय
1-017) लक्ष्य के लक्षण1-018) शान्त और शिव
1-019-021) निरन्जन1-022) परमात्मा - ध्यान के साधन नहीं
1-023) परमात्मा - ज्ञान का साधन नहीं1-024) परमात्मा - अनन्त ज्ञान-दर्शन-सुख-वीर्यमयी
1-025) परमात्मा - शरीर रहित लोक के शिखर पर स्थित1-026) परमात्मा - शरीर में स्थित
1-027) परमात्मा - अंतर-दृष्टि के प्रेरणा1-028) परमात्मा शारीरिक और मानसिक सुख-दुःख रहित
1-029) [परमात्मा - देह में रहते हुए भी स्वभाव में स्थित 1-030) भेद-ज्ञान की प्रेरणा
1-031) आत्मा का लक्षण1-032) ध्यान की विधि और उसका फल
1-033) देह में ही परमात्मा का निवास1-034) परमात्मा का एक अद्भुत् लक्षण
1-035) परमात्मा - समभाव द्वारा परम आनन्द की प्राप्ति1-036) आत्मा का परम आत्मा स्वरूप
1-037) पूर्व कथन की पुष्टि1-038) परमात्मा - केवलज्ञान में स्वयं प्रतिभासित
1-039) परमात्मा - ध्यान का ध्येय1-040) परमात्मा - संसार को उपजाता है
1-041) परमात्मा - संसार में रहते हुए भी संसार से परे1-042) परमात्मा उत्कृष्ट समाधि / तप द्वारा ही जाना जाता है
1-043) परमात्मा - उत्पाद-व्यय-ध्रौव्य संयुक्त1-044) शरीर और आत्मा के दृढ़ सम्बन्ध
1-045) देह से आत्मा का विशिष्ट महत्व1-046) परमात्मा का वीतराग स्वरूप
1-047) परमात्मा के ज्ञान के स्थान का कथन1-048) कर्म बंधन से मुक्त परमात्मा का स्वरूप
1-049) कर्म बंधन से मुक्त परमात्मा का स्वरूप1-050) आत्मा क्या है
1-051) आत्मा का स्वरूप1-052) आत्मा का सर्वव्यापक स्वरूप
1-053) आत्मा का जड स्वरूप1-054) आत्मा का चरम शरीर प्रमाणरूप स्वरूप
1-055) आत्मा के शून्य स्वरूप का कथन1-056) आत्मा के लक्षण
1-057) आत्मा के लक्षण का स्पष्टीकरण1-058) आत्मा द्रव्य और उसके गुण
1-059) आत्मा और कर्म का परष्पर सम्बन्ध1-060) सभी जीवों का प्राण कर्म
1-061) कर्म के कारण जीव को स्वभाव-लाभ नहीं1-062) विषय-कषायों में लिप्तता से कर्म-बंध
1-063) इन्द्रियाँ, मन, समस्त विभाव, दुःख कर्म-जनित1-064) परमार्थ से दुःख-सुख कर्म जनित
1-065-1) जिन्वचन को नहीं मानने का परिणाम1-065) परमार्थ से बन्ध और मोक्ष कर्मजनित
1-066) कर्म द्वारा ही जीव के लोक में भ्रमण 1-067) द्रव्य-रूप परिवर्तित नहीं होता
1-068) जीव के जन्म-मरण बंध-मोक्ष नहीं1-069) जीव के जन्म-मरण-रोग, इन्द्रियाँ, वर्ण नहीं
1-070) जन्म-बुढापा-मरण, रोग, वर्ण देह के1-071) जीव को अमर जानकर भय-मुक्त हो
1-072) शरीर से ममत्व त्यागकर आत्मा को ध्या1-073) पर-भाव और पर द्रव्य जीव स्वभाव से भिन्न
1-074) ज्ञानमयी भाव को छोड़कर अन्य सभी भाव को त्याग1-075) रत्नत्रयमयी आत्मा का ध्यान कर
1-076) सम्यग्दृष्टि1-077) मिथ्यादृष्टि
1-078) कर्म बलवान हैं1-079) मिथ्यात्वी का लक्षण
1-080) मिथ्यात्वी की मान्यता1-081) और भी
1-082) और भी1-083) और भी
1-084) अज्ञान ही पाप1-085) सम्यक्त्व की प्राप्ति
1-086) आत्मा स्पर्श या वर्ण नहीं1-087) आत्मा के वर्ण या लिंग नहीं
1-088) आत्मा के वेष नहीं1-089) आत्मा गुरु-शिष्यादिक भी नहीं
1-090) आत्मा मनुष्य-देव आदि नहीं1-091) आत्मा पंडित मूर्ख आदि नहीं
1-092) आत्मा पुण्य-पापादि नहीं1-093) आत्मा क्या है?
1-094) आत्मा ही ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्र1-095) आत्मध्यान किसी तीर्थ, गुरु, देव से भी उत्कृष्ट
1-096) आत्मा ही दर्शन1-097) आत्मध्यान से क्षणमात्र में मुक्ति
1-098) आत्म-ज्ञान बिना ज्ञान तप निष्फल 1-099) आत्मज्ञान से केवलज्ञान
1-100) उसी को दृढ़ करते हैं1-101) केवलज्ञान का स्वभाव
1-102) उदाहरण1-103) उपसंहार
1-104) प्रश्न1-105) आत्मा का संस्थान
1-106) पर भावों को छोड़1-107) आत्मा ज्ञान गोचर
1-108) परलोक -- आत्मा से परमात्मा1-109) परलोक -- अपना स्वरूप जानना
1-110) परलोक -- ध्यान का ध्येय1-111) जैसी मति वैसी गति
1-112) पर-द्रव्य को मत देख1-113) पर-द्रव्य
1-114) ध्यान की सामर्थ्य1-115) चिंता रहित होकर देख
1-116) आत्म-ध्यान के बिना सुख सम्भव नहीं1-117) आत्म-ध्यानी के सुख के सामान सुख नहीं
1-118) आत्म-ध्यानी को भगवान जैसा सुख1-119) मोक्ष अपने आप में
1-120) राग-रंजित को मोक्ष-सुख नहीं1-121) राग और सुख एक साथ नहीं रह सकते
1-122) भगवान आत्मा अनादि से1-123-A) वन्द्य-वंदक भाव रहित
1-123-B) मन पर लगाम द्वारा मुक्ति प्राप्ति2-001) समभाव द्वारा सुख की प्राप्ति
2-002) शिष्य द्वारा अनुरोध2-003) मोक्ष, मोक्ष का फल, मोक्ष का कारण करने की प्रतिज्ञा
2-004) मोक्ष ही सुख2-005) तीन पुरुषार्थों की अपेक्षा मोक्ष पुरुषार्थ की उत्तमता
2-006) मोक्ष तीन-लोक में उत्कृष्ट2-007) मोक्ष में अविनाशी सुख
2-008) सभी ज्ञानियों का ध्येय मोक्ष2-009) मोक्ष के चिंतवन की प्रेरणा
2-010) मोक्ष - परमात्म-प्राप्ति 2-011) मोक्षफल - शास्वत सुख
2-012) मोक्ष-मार्ग - निश्चय रत्नत्रय2-013) मोक्ष-मार्ग - रत्नत्रय परिणत आत्मा
2-014) व्यवहार-रत्नत्रय की सार्थकता2-015) व्यवहार-सम्यक्त्व
2-016) छह-द्रव्य2-017) द्रव्यों के नाम
2-018) जीव का लक्षण2-019) पुद्गल, धर्म, अधर्म का लक्षण
2-020) आकाश द्रव्य2-021) काल द्रव्य
2-022) अखंड-प्रदेशी द्रव्य2-023) क्रिया-रहित द्रव्य
2-024) द्रव्यों के प्रदेश2-025) एक जगह रहते हुए भी मिलते नहीं
2-026) द्रव्यों का जीव पर उपकार2-027) पर-द्रव्य दुःख का कारण
2-028) क्रम-प्राप्त ज्ञान और चारित्र का वर्णन2-029) सम्यग्ज्ञान
2-030) सम्यक-चारित्र2-031) अभेद रत्नत्रय
2-032) रत्नत्रय ही आत्मा2-033) निर्मल आत्म-ध्यान से मुक्ति
2-034) सामान्य अवलोकन - दर्शन2-035) दर्शन पूर्वक ज्ञान
2-036) तप द्वारा निर्जरा2-037) समभाव द्वारा संवर
2-038) आत्मलीन ही संवर और निर्जरा2-039) परिग्रह-रहित को संवर-निर्जरा
2-040) समभाव बिना रत्नत्रय नहीं2-041) कषायों द्वारा असंयम
2-042) मोह-राग-द्वेष रहित को मुक्ति2-043) परमार्थ के ज्ञाता सुखी
2-044) समभावधारी की निंदा द्वारा स्तुति2-045) और भी निन्दा द्वारा स्तुति
2-046-A) योगी और भोगी में भेद2-046) और भी निन्दा द्वारा स्तुति
2-047) ज्ञानी के किसी से राग द्वेष नहीं2-048) ज्ञानी समभाव को छोड़कर कुछ नहीं करता
2-049) ज्ञानी के परिग्रह में राग-द्वेष नहीं2-050) ज्ञानी के विषयों में राग-द्वेष नहीं
2-051) ज्ञानी के देह में राग-द्वेष नहीं2-052) ज्ञानी के ग्रहण-त्याग में राग-द्वेष नहीं
2-053) बंध-मोक्ष का कारण स्वयं -- ज्ञानी2-054) पुण्य-पाप मोक्ष के कारण -- अज्ञानी
2-055) अज्ञानी पुण्य-पाप को समान नहीं मानता2-056) पाप का उदय भी भला
2-057) पुण्य का उदय भी बुरा2-058) आत्मदर्शी का मरण भी शुभ और अज्ञानी का पुण्य करना भी अशुभ
2-059) आत्मदर्शी सुखी, अज्ञानी दुखी2-060) मोह उत्पन्न करे ऐसा पुण्य का उदय बुरा
2-061) देव-शास्त्र-गुरु की भक्ति से पुण्य, मुक्ति नहीं2-062) देव-शास्त्र-गुरु से द्वेष पापभाव
2-063) पाप से दुर्गति, पुण्य से सुगति, दोनों के ही नाश से मोक्ष2-064) ज्ञानी के लिए वंदना, निंदा, प्रायश्चित्त हेय
2-065) ज्ञानियों को ज्ञानमय भाव नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए2-066) शुद्ध-उपयोग बिना मुक्ति नहीं
2-067) शुद्धोपयोग ही मुख्य2-068) शुद्ध-उपयोग ही धर्म
2-069) शुद्ध-भाव बिना मुक्ति नहीं2-070) चित्त की शुद्धि बिना सब करना व्यर्थ
2-071) शुभ से धर्म, अशुभ पाप, शुद्ध अबन्धक2-072) दान से भोग, तप से इंद्रत्व, ज्ञान से मोक्ष
2-073) निसंदेह ज्ञान से ही मोक्ष, ज्ञान-रहित को संसार-भ्रमण2-074) ज्ञान-रहित के मोक्ष नहीं -- उदाहरण
2-075) आत्म-बोध बिना ज्ञान और तप व्यर्थ2-076) आत्मज्ञानी के पर-द्रव्य में प्रीती नहीं
2-077) आत्मज्ञानी को विषय-भोग में प्रीती क्यों नहीं?2-078) आत्मज्ञान श्रेष्ठ -- उदाहरण
2-079) कर्म-फल में राग-द्वेष से संसार2-080) कर्म-फल में राग-द्वेष रहित के निर्जरा
2-081) परमाणु-मात्र राग-द्वेष भी मुक्ति में बाधक2-082) आत्म-ज्ञान बिना शास्त्र-ज्ञान और तप से मुक्ति नहीं
2-083) शास्त्र-पढ़ने का प्रयोजन विकल्प-रहितता2-084) शास्त्र-ज्ञान का प्रयोजन आत्म-ज्ञान
2-085) आत्म-ज्ञान बिना तीर्थ-भ्रमण से मुक्ति नहीं2-086) ज्ञानी और मिथ्यादृष्टि मुनि में भेद
2-087) अज्ञानी धर्म के फल में संसार को चाहता है2-088) अज्ञानी शिष्य-पुस्तकादिक से हर्षित होता है
2-089) अज्ञानी के ख्याति-लाभ-पूजा द्वारा संसार2-090) द्रव्यलिंगी अपने-आप को ठगता है
2-091) द्रव्यलिंगी छोड़कर फिर ग्रहण कर लेता है2-092) ख्याति-लाभ के लिए परमात्मा को छोड़ना तुच्छ-बुद्धि
2-093) मिथ्यादृष्टि परमार्थ से अनिभिज्ञ2-094) परमार्थ से सभी जीव समान
2-095) परमार्थ से जीवों में शरीर-कृत भेद नहीं2-096) केवलज्ञानी तीन-लोक के जीवों को सामान देखते हैं
2-097) परमार्थ दृष्टि से जीव2-098) सभी जीव दर्शन-ज्ञानमयी
2-099) शुद्ध-जानने वाले जीवों में भेद नहीं करते2-100) जो साधु जीवों को सामान देखते हैं वे मुक्त होते हैं
2-101) सभी जीवों का निज-लक्षण दर्शन और ज्ञान2-102) शरीरों के भेद से जीवों में भेद देखना मिथ्यादृष्टि
2-103) शारीरिक अवस्था कर्म-कृत2-104) शत्रु-मित्र, अपने-पराए में एकपना करना सम्यग्दर्शन
2-105) समभाव संसार-समुद्र के लिए नाव के समान2-106) जीवों में भेद करने वाला कर्म जीव नहीं
2-107) ब्राह्मणादि वर्ण-भेद भी मत कर2-108) आत्मज्ञ पर-द्रव्य के सम्बन्ध को छोड़ देते हैं
2-109) जिनके समभाव नहीं उनका संग मत कर2-110) कुसंग से दुःख का उदाहरण
2-111-a) भिक्षा में स्वादयुक्त आहार की इच्छा मत कर2-111-b) भोजन की लोलुपता को त्याग
2-111-c) मुनि भोजन में गृद्धता न करे2-111) मोह दुख का कारण देख और छोड़
2-112) इन्द्रिय-विषयों को त्याग2-113) लोभ को दुःख का करण देख और त्याग
2-114) उदाहरण2-115) स्नेह को दुःख का कारण देख और त्याग
2-116) उदाहरण2-117) जो विषयों में आसक्त नहीं, वे धन्य
2-118) जिनेश्वरदेव ने भी राज्य-वैभव छोड़कर मोक्ष को साधा2-119) संसार में सिर्फ दुःख, मोक्ष को जा ।
2-120) दुःख-रुपी कर्म को मत कर2-121) अज्ञानी कर्मों को करता है
2-122) ज्ञान-रहित जीव दुखी2-123) संयोग कर्माधीन और विनाशीक
2-124) निश्चिन्त होकर तप कर2-125) पाप के फल को अकेले ही भोगना होगा
2-126) पाप का फल अनन्त गुणा2-127) जीवों को अभयदान दे
2-128) कर्म-कृत को भ्रम जानकर छोड़2-129) शरीर भी कर्म-कृत
2-130) सभी संयोग नष्ट हो जाएँगे2-131) एक शुद्धात्मा को छोड़कर सब-कुछ विनाशीक
2-132) धन-यौवन विनाशीक, धर्म कर2-133) शरीर को तप में लगा
2-134) कुटुम्बी-जन संसार का कारण2-135) मनुष्य जन्म पाकर तप करना चाहिए
2-136) इन्द्रियों को वश में कर2-137-a) इन्द्रिय विजयी ही ध्यानी
2-137) मन को इन्द्रियों के विषयों में जाने से रोक2-138) विषय-सुख में रमणता दुख का कारण
2-139) विषय-भोग के त्यागी धन्य2-140) मन इन्द्रियों का स्वामी
2-141) जीतेंद्रिय होकर शुद्धात्मा का अनुभव कर2-142) आत्म-ज्ञान बिना दुःख
2-143) आज तक सम्यक्त्व नहीं ग्रहण किया2-144) घर-वास पाप वास है
2-145) पर में ममत्व मत कर2-146) शुद्धात्मा को छोड़ कुछ और भावना मत कर
2-147) शरीर असार है2-148) शरीर अशुचि है
2-149) अशुचि शरीर से प्रीति मत कर2-150) शरीर पाप, दुःख और अशुचि से निर्मित
2-151) देह से नहीं धर्म से प्रीति कर2-152) आत्मा को ज्ञानादि गुणमय देख
2-153) देह दुःख का कारण अत: ममत्व त्याग2-154) इन्द्रियाधीन सुख की जगह आत्माधीन सुख को देख
2-155) ज्ञान को छोड़कर कुछ भी आत्मा नहीं2-156) स्थिर चित्त द्वारा आत्मा प्रत्यक्ष
2-157) योग द्वारा मन को वश में कर2-158) आत्म-ध्यान द्वारा ही केवलज्ञान
2-159) विकल्प-रहित होकर आत्म-ध्यान करने वाले धन्य2-160) समूल परिवर्तित, पुण्य-पाप से रहित धन्य
2-161) प्रभाकर भट्ट द्वारा निवेदन2-162) योग द्वारा ध्यान
2-163) परम-समाधि2-164) निर्विकल्प समाधि द्वारा मोह टूटता है
2-165) प्रभाकर भट्ट द्वारा विनती2-166-167) परमार्थ मार्ग
2-168) व्यवहार मोक्षमार्ग2-169) अकेले बाह्य-योग दारा सिद्धि नहीं
2-170) चिंता-मुक्त हुए बिना संसार भरमान नहीं छूटता2-171) मन को मारकर परब्रह्म का ध्यान करो
2-172) सब विषयों को छोड़कर आत्मदेव को ध्यावो2-173) आत्मा को जिसरूप से ध्यावो, उसी-रूप परिणमता है
2-174) आत्मा परमात्मा कैसे बनता है?2-175) मैं ही परमात्मा
2-176) कर्म-स्वभाव आत्म-स्वभाव से भिन्न2-177) आत्मा को निर्मल देख
2-178-181) भेदविज्ञान की भावना का रक्त पीतादि वस्त्र द्वारा दृष्टांत2-182) शरीर को शत्रु की तरह देख
2-183) दुःख में भी सकारात्मकता2-184) विपरीत परिस्थितियों में आत्म-तत्त्व की भावना
2-185) कर्म-बंध नहीं करे, आत्म-स्वरूप में लगे2-186) कोई दोष ग्रहण करे तो क्षमाभाव रखे
2-187) सब चिंताओं का निषेध2-188) मोक्ष की भी चिन्ता नहीं करे
2-189) परमसमाधि द्वारा कर्मों से छूटना होता है2-190) शुभ-अशुभ विकल्पों का नाश ही परम-समाधि
2-191) समभाव बिना ज्ञान और तप व्यर्थ2-192) विषय-कषाय रहित परम-समाधि
2-193) मात्र बाह्य समाधि से कार्य की सिद्धि नहीं 2-194) चित्त से विकल्पों का हटना ही परमसमाधि
2-195) परम-समाधि में लीनता से केवलज्ञान2-196) केवलज्ञान की महिमा
2-197) केवलज्ञान ही आत्मा का स्वभाव2-198) कर्मों और दोषों से रहित ही परमात्म-प्रकाश
2-199) अनंतचतुष्टयमयी परमप्रकाश है2-200) जिनदेव के ही अनेक नाम
2-201) सिद्ध भगवान2-202) सिद्धों की महिमा
2-203) सिद्धों का स्वरूप2-204) परमात्मप्रकाश की भावना में लीनता का फल
2-205) परमात्मप्रकाश के अभ्यास का फल2-206) परमात्मप्रकाश के पढ़ने का फल
2-207) परमात्मप्रकाश ग्रंथ के योग्य कौन?2-208) और भी
2-209) और भी2-210) शास्त्र का फल
2-211) उद्धतपने का त्याग2-212) ग्रन्थकर्ता द्वारा क्षमायाचना
2-213) ग्रंथ के पढ़ने का फल2-214) अन्त-मंगल

!! श्रीसर्वज्ञवीतरागाय नम: !!



मूल प्राकृत गाथा,

आभार :

!! नम: श्रीसर्वज्ञवीतरागाय !!

ओंकारं बिन्दुसंयुक्तं नित्यं ध्यायन्ति योगिनः
कामदं मोक्षदं चैव ॐकाराय नमो नम: ॥1॥

मुनिभिरूपासिततीर्था सरस्वती हरतु नो दुरितान् ॥2॥

अज्ञानतिमिरान्धानां ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नम: ॥3॥

॥ श्रीपरमगुरुवे नम:, परम्पराचार्यगुरुवे नम: ॥

सकलकलुषविध्वंसकं, श्रेयसां परिवर्धकं, धर्मसम्बन्धकं, भव्यजीवमन: प्रतिबोधकारकं, पुण्यप्रकाशकं, पापप्रणाशकमिदं शास्त्रं श्री-परमात्मप्रकाश नामधेयं, अस्य मूल-ग्रन्थकर्तार: श्री-सर्वज्ञ-देवास्तदुत्तर-ग्रन्थ-कर्तार: श्री-गणधर-देवा: प्रति-गणधर-देवास्तेषां वचनानुसार-मासाद्य आचार्य श्री-भगवत्योगीन्दु-देव विरचितं ॥

॥ श्रोतार: सावधान-तया शृणवन्तु ॥

मंगलं भगवान् वीरो मंगलं गौतमो गणी
मंगलं कुन्दकुन्दार्यो जैनधर्मोऽस्तु मंगलम्‌ ॥
सर्वमंगलमांगल्यं सर्वकल्याणकारकं
प्रधानं सर्वधर्माणां जैनं जयतु शासनम्‌ ॥

+ मंगलाचरण -
जे जाया झाणग्गियएँ कम्म-कलंक डहेवि
णिच्च-णिरंजण-णाण-मय ते परमप्प णवेवि ॥1॥

Meaning : Obeisance to that Siddha Parmatman who having by the fire of meditation burnt up his Karmas, has freed himself from the impurities of karmic alloy, attained the purity of consciousness, and become Everlasting.

+ सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
ते वंदउँ सिरि-सिद्ध-गण होसहिँ जे वि अणंत
सिवमय-णिरुवम-णाणमय परम-समाहि भजंत ॥2॥

Meaning : I bow to all those Great Souls, infinite in number, who will in the future become perfect, unmatched Intelligence with the aid of true meditation, which is free from love and hatred.

+ सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
ते हउँ वंदउँ सिद्ध-गण अच्छहिँ जे वि हवंत
परम-समाहि-महग्गियएँ कम्मिंधणइँ हुणंत ॥3॥

Meaning : I also bow to the Siddhas (perfect souls) who having burnt up the fuel of Karmas are now obtaining Nirvana from the Videha-Kshetra.

+ सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
ते पुणु वंदउँ सिद्ध-गण जे णिव्वाणि वसंति
णाणिं तिहुयणि गरुया वि भव-सायरि ण पडंति ॥4॥

Meaning : I also bow to those Siddhas who now live in Nirvana. As Tirthankaras, they preached Dharma to us, and are our teachers, though not now in Samsara.

+ सिद्ध परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
ते पुणु वंदउँं सिद्ध-गण जे अप्पाणि वसंत
लोयालोउ वि सयलु इहु अच्छहिँ विमलु णियंत ॥5॥

Meaning : I bow to those Siddhas (perfeet souls) who live only in the AtmaSwarup (self), and see all the objects of the universe by their Pure Intelligence.

+ अरिहंत परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
केवल-दंसण-णाणमय केवल-सुक्ख-सहाव
जिणवर वंदउँ भत्तियए जेहिँ पयासिय भाव ॥6॥

Meaning : I bow with reverence to Shri Jinendra Deva who is the enjoyer of Kewala Darshana (perfect perception), Kewala Gyana (perfect knowledge), and Kewala Sukha (pure happiness), and who has shown the Swarupa (nature) of things.

+ आचार्य, उपाध्याय, साधु परमेष्ठी को नमस्कार -
जे परमप्पु णियंति मुणि परम-समाहि धरेवि
परमाणंदह कारणिण तिण्णि वि ते वि णवेवि ॥7॥

Meaning : I bow to those Munis of the three grades, the Acharyas, the Upadhayas, and the Sadhus (saints) who having established themselves in perfect meditation, which brings about supreme happiness, have acquired the Parama Pada (highest position).

+ प्रभाकरभट्ट द्वारा विनती -
भाविं पणविवि पंच-गुरु सिरि-जोइंदु-जिणाउ
भट्टपहायरि विण्णविउ विमलु करेविणु भाउ ॥8॥

Meaning : Prabhakara Bhatta (a disciple) having purified his mind and having bowed to the Panch Parmeshti prays to Sri Yogindra Acharya.

+ विनती -
गउ संसारि वसंताहँ सामिय कालु अणंतु
पर मइँ किं पि ण पत्तु सुहु दुक्खु जि पत्तु महंतु ॥9॥

Meaning : O Master ! Infinite time has passed away and I have been roaming about (transmigrating) in Sansara; but I have got no happiness ; I have always been in dire misery.

+ परमात्मा के कथन की विनती -
चउ-गइ-दुक्खहँ तत्ताहँ जो परमप्पउ कोइ
चउ-गइ-दुक्ख-विणासयरु कहहु पसाएँ सो वि ॥10॥

Meaning : O Master! Pray tell me about him, who having destroyed the pains of the four Gatis (four stages or planes of life), has attained the ParamaPada (the highest status).

+ तीन प्रकार के आत्मा को कहने की प्रतिज्ञा -
पुणु पुणु पणविवि पंच-गुरु भावेँ चित्ति धरेवि
भट्टपहायर णिसुणि तुहुँ अप्पा तिविहु कहेवि ॥11॥

Meaning : O Prabhakara! (The Acharya says) Hear thou with belief, I shall, after bowing to and keeping respectfully in mind the five Preceptors, tell you all about the three kinds of Atman (soul).

+ तीन प्रकार के आत्मा को जानने का प्रयोजन -
अप्पा ति-विहु मुणेवि लहु मूढउ मेल्लहि भाउ
मुणि सण्णाणेँ णाणमउ जो परमप्प-सहाउ ॥12॥

Meaning : Having known Atman as of three kinds, first eliminate the BahirAtman (the outer soul), and having become the AntarAtman (inner soul) meditate upon the ParmAtman.

+ बहिरात्मा -
मूढु वियक्खणु बंभु परु अप्पा ति-विहु हवेइ
देहु जि अप्पा जो मुणइ सो जणु मूढु हवेइ ॥13॥

Meaning : Atman is of three kinds : the BahirAtman (outer soul), the AntarAtman (inner soul), and the ParmAtman (perfect soul). One who knows his body as his soul, is the ignorant Bahiratman (outer soul).

+ अन्तरात्मा -
देह-विभिण्णउ णाणमउ जो परमप्पु णिएइ
परम-समाहि-परिट्ठियउ पंडिउ सो जि हवेइ ॥14॥

Meaning : One who knows the Atman (soul) as separate and distinct from the body, as Gyan-Swarup (of the form or nature of knowledge) and well established in perfect tranquillity, is the wise Antar-Atman (the inner soul).

+ परमात्मा -
अप्पा लद्धउ णाणमउ कम्म-विमुक्केँ जेण
मेल्लिवि सयलु वि दव्वु परु सो परु मुणहि मणेण ॥15॥

Meaning : He who knows his self, who exists in knowledge, who is free from Karmas-thou with pure belief know Him as Parmatman (God). There are five classes of Adepts, or Masters, in Jainism, viz., the Arhanta, the Siddha, the Acharya, the Upadhya and the Sadhu. They are called the Panch Parmeshti collectively.

+ ध्येय -
तिहुयण-वंदिउ सिद्धि-गउ हरि-हर झायहिँ जो जि
लक्खु अलक्खेँ धरिवि थिरु मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥16॥

Meaning : That Siddha Bhagwan whom the three worlds worship and greate gods meditate upon, who has a steady knowledge of all things, tangible and intangible, is the Parmatman (God).

+ लक्ष्य के लक्षण -
णिच्चु णिरंजणु णाणमउ परमाणंद-सहाउ
जो एहउ सो संतु सिउ तासु मुणिज्जहि भाउ ॥17॥

Meaning : He is Nitya (ever-lasting), Niranjana (free from passions and desires), Gyana-Swarupa (has knowledge for his form) and Parma-Nanda (all-happy). One who is such is Shanta (calm) and Shiva (perfect). Know thy self as such, and realize it.

+ शान्त और शिव -
जो णिय-भाउ ण परिहरइ जो पर-भाउ ण लेइ
जाणइ सयलु वि णिच्चु पर सो सिउ संतु हवेइ ॥18॥

Meaning : He who never gives up his Svabhava. (nature), and never adopts the Bhava (existence or nature) of another, and knows self and not-self, that is, all the things of the three worlds and of the three times, is the Shanta and Shiva (calm and perfect) God.

+ निरन्जन -
जासु ण वण्णु ण गंधु रसु जासु ण सद्दु ण फासु
जासु ण जम्मणु मरणु णवि णाउ णिरंजणु तासु ॥19॥
जासु ण कोहु ण मोहु मउ जासु ण माय ण माणु
जासु ण ठाणु ण झाणु जिय सो जि णिरंजणु जाणु ॥20॥
अत्थि ण पुण्णु ण पाउ जसु अत्थि ण हरिसु विसाउ
अत्थि ण एक्कु वि दोसु जसु सो जि णिरंजणु भाउ ॥21॥

Meaning : He who is free from colour, smell, taste, sound and touch, that is, who is free from body and is not subject to birth and death, such a Being is Niranjana.
Know thou that Being as Niramjana in whom Krodha (anger), Moha (attachment), Mada (lust), Maya (deceitfulness) and Mana (pride) do not exist, and who is in no way concerned with meditation and the object of meditation.
One who is devoid of virtue and evil, of pleasure and pain, and is free from every sort of defect or blemish, know thou that soul as Niranjana.

+ परमात्मा - ध्यान के साधन नहीं -
जासु ण धारणु धेउ ण वि जासु ण जंतु ण मंतु
जासु ण मंडलु मुद्द ण वि सो मुणि देउँ अणंतु ॥22॥

Meaning : One who is free from the act and the objects of meditation, from incantations and amulets, also from Mandala (circlet) and Mudra (ring), etc., (all material forms and shapes), is Niranjana.

+ परमात्मा - ज्ञान का साधन नहीं -
वेयहिँ सत्थहिँ इंदियहिँ जो जिय मुणहु ण जाइ
णिम्मल-झाणहँ जो विसउ सो परमप्पु अणाइ ॥23॥

Meaning : That Parmatman (God) is not known by reading Vedas and Shastras, nor is He perceived by senses ; He can only be known by pure self-contemplation.

+ परमात्मा - अनन्त ज्ञान-दर्शन-सुख-वीर्यमयी -
केवल-दंसण -णाणमउ केवल-सुक्ख सहाउ
केवल-वीरिउ सो मुणहि जो जि परावरु भाउ ॥24॥

Meaning : Know thou that to be the Parmatman who has Kewal-Gyan (pure, infinite knowledge), Kewal-Darshan (pure, infinite perception), Ananta-Sukha (infinite happiness) and Ananta-Virya (infinite power).

+ परमात्मा - शरीर रहित लोक के शिखर पर स्थित -
एयहिँ जुत्तउ लक्खणहिँ जो परु णिक्कलु देउ
सो तहिँ णिवसइ परम-पइ जो तइलोयहँ झेउ ॥25॥

Meaning : Who is endowed with these Lakshans (distinguishing attributes), who is worshipped by the three worlds, who is the Highest Deva and who is without a body, such a Parmatman resides on the top of the world.

+ परमात्मा - शरीर में स्थित -
जेहउ णिम्मलु णाणमउ सिद्धिहिँ णिवसइ देउ
तेहउ णिवसइ बंभु परु देहहं मं करि भेउ ॥26॥

Meaning : The same Parma-Brahma who exists as Nirmal (pure) and Gyan-Maee (embodiment of knowledge) in the Siddha Avastha (perfect or fully manifested condition) lives in the Sansara Avastha (mundane condition) in the body. You should not see difference.

+ परमात्मा - अंतर-दृष्टि के प्रेरणा -
जेँ दिट्ठेँ तुट्टंति लहु कम्मइँ पुव्व-कियाइँ
सो परु जाणहि जोइया देहि वसंतु ण काइँ ॥27॥

Meaning : That Parmatman, the meditation on whom destroys the past accumulated Karmas, that Supreme and the Highest Object of knowledge, is no where else than within thyself.

+ परमात्मा शारीरिक और मानसिक सुख-दुःख रहित -
जित्थु ण इंदिय-सुह-दुहइँ जित्थु ण मण-वावारु
सो अप्पा मुणि जीव तुहुँ अण्णु परिं अवहारु ॥28॥

Meaning : Know thou that to be the Atman who is not subject to sensual pleasures and pains, and who is free from the action of mind; all else is foreign to thee; give it up.

+ [परमात्मा - देह में रहते हुए भी स्वभाव में स्थित -
देहादेहहिँ जो वसइ भेयाभेय-णएण
सो अप्पा मुणि जीव तुहुँ किं अण्णेँ बहुएण ॥29॥

Meaning : One who being united to the body, dwells in it, and who from the Nischaya (real or natural) point of view is separate and quite distinct from that body, know thou that one to be thy Atman; with other numerous objects which exist, thou hast no concern.

+ भेद-ज्ञान की प्रेरणा -
जीवाजीव म एक्कु करि लक्खण-भेएँ भेउ
जो परु सो परु भणमि मुणि अप्पा अप्पु अभेउ ॥30॥

Meaning : Do not regard Jiva (soul or intelligence) and Ajiva (non-soul or non-intelligence) as one: both of them are, by their own Lakshanas (distinguishing attributes), distinct; know that which is different from Atman (soul) as different from it and know Atman alone to be the Atman.

+ आत्मा का लक्षण -
अमणु अणिंदिउ णाणमउ मुत्ति-विरहिउ चिमित्तु
अप्पा इंदिय-विसउ णवि लक्खणु एहु णिरुत्तु ॥31॥

Meaning : He (the Parmatman) has not got Mana (mind or heart); has no Indriyas (senses); is Gyana-Maee (embodiment of knowledge or consciousness); is without Moorti (sensible qualities); is Chaitanya Matra (pure consciousness); and cannot be known by the senses. From the Nischaya (real) point of view, these are the attributes of Atman (soul).

+ ध्यान की विधि और उसका फल -
भव-तणु-भोय-विरत्त-मणु जो अप्पा झाएइ
तासु गुरुक्की वेल्लडी संसारिणि तुट्टेइ ॥32॥

Meaning : When one applies one's heart which is attached to bodily pleasures and worldly enjoyments to spiritual meditation, the spring of his births and deaths in Sansar (the world) dries up, that is, his roaming about in transmigration comes to an end.

+ देह में ही परमात्मा का निवास -
देहादेवलि जो वसइ देउ अणाइ-अणंतु
केवल-णाण-फुरंत-तणु सो परमप्पु णिभंतु ॥33॥

Meaning : That who dwells in the temple of the Samsari Jiva's (embodied soul's) body, that one is Deva (God); He is Eternal and Infinite and is endowed with pure, Kewal-Gyan (infinite knowledge) in potency; He is called the Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा का एक अद्भुत् लक्षण -
देहे वसंतु वि णवि छिवइ णियमेँ देहु वि जो जि
देहेँ छिप्पइ जो वि णवि मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥34॥

Meaning : One who, although dwelling in the body, does not touch it, that is, does not become converted into the nature of the body-nor does the body become converted into his nature -- that is the self-same Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा - समभाव द्वारा परम आनन्द की प्राप्ति -
जो सम-भाव -परिट्ठियहं जोइहँ कोइ फुरेइ
परमाणंदु जणंतु फुडु सो परमप्पु हवेइ ॥35॥

Meaning : The Atman (soul) who has become established in perfect equanimity, undisturbed tranquillity and supreme happiness is Parmatman (God).

+ आत्मा का परम आत्मा स्वरूप -
कम्म-णिबद्धु वि जोइया देहि वसंतु वि जो जि
होइ ण सयलु कया वि फुडु मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥36॥

Meaning : He, who although bound with Karmas, dwells in the body and is not transmuted into the body, is Parmatman. You should know Him.

+ पूर्व कथन की पुष्टि -
जो परमत्थेँ णिक्कलु वि कम्म-विभिण्णउ जो जि
मूढा सयलु भणंति फुडु मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥37॥

Meaning : He who with reference to his real nature is neither the body nor Karmas, and whom the ignorant know as identical with the body, that one is Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा - केवलज्ञान में स्वयं प्रतिभासित -
गयणि अणंति वि एक्क उडु जेहउ भुयणु विहाइ
मुक्कहँ जसु पए बिंबियउ सो परमप्पु अणाइ ॥38॥

Meaning : He, in the infinite knowledge of whom the three worlds are like a star in the infinite Akasha (space), the same is the Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा - ध्यान का ध्येय -
जोइय-विंदहिँ णाणमउ जो झाइज्जइ झेउ
मोक्खहँ कारणि अणवरउ सो परमप्पउ देउ ॥39॥

Meaning : That Gyan-Maee (embodiment of knowledge) Atman whom the Yogis deeply immersed in Vitrag (devoid of love and hatred) and Nirvikalp. (undisturbed meditation) meditate upon, in order to obtain Moksh, is Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा - संसार को उपजाता है -
जो जिउ हेउ लहेवि विहि जगु बहु-विहउ जणेइ
लिंगत्तय-परिमंडियउ सो परमप्पु हवेइ ॥40॥

Meaning : That Atman is also Parmatman who having assimilated into himself, in various ways, the condemnable (Karmas) assumes various forms in the world, and adopts the three sexes (male, female and neuter).

+ परमात्मा - संसार में रहते हुए भी संसार से परे -
जसु अब्भंतरि जगु वसइ जग-अब्भंतरि जो जि
जगि जि वसंतु वि जगु जि ण वि मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥41॥

Meaning : The universe consisting of the three worlds is existing in the Kewala Jnana (pure and perfect knowledge) of Parmatman, and that All-knowing Parmatman Bhagwan is dwelling in Jagat (the universe), still that Parmatman doe; not become converted into the Roopa (nature) of Jagat (the world).

+ परमात्मा उत्कृष्ट समाधि / तप द्वारा ही जाना जाता है -
देहि वसंतु वि हरि-हर वि जं अज्ज वि ण मुणंति
परम-समाहि-तवेण विणु सो परमप्पु भणंति ॥42॥

Meaning : The Atman who dwells in the body is beyond the cognition of Hari and Har, etc., who are devoid of Parma Smadhi (perfect tranquillity or meditation); the same Atman is Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा - उत्पाद-व्यय-ध्रौव्य संयुक्त -
भावाभावहिँ संजुवउ भावाभावहिँ जो जि ।
देहि जि दिट्ठउ जिणवरहिँ मुणि परमप्पउ सो जि ॥43॥

Meaning : That which possesses Nij Bhava (own nature) and is devoid of Par Bhava (other's nature), and has been seen dwelling in the body by the Jinendra Deva, who is devoid of Par Bhava and one with Nij Bhava, is to be known as the Parmatman.

+ शरीर और आत्मा के दृढ़ सम्बन्ध -
देहि वसंतेँ जेण पर इंदिय-गामु वसेइ
उव्वसु होइ गएण फुडु सो परमप्पु हवेइ ॥44॥

Meaning : Know thou Him to be Parmatman by whose dwelling this fivesensed village the human body) becomes populated, and by whose going away. it becomes quite desolate.

+ देह से आत्मा का विशिष्ट महत्व -
जो णिय-करणहिँ पंचहिँ वि पंच वि विसय मुणेइ
मुणिउ ण पंचहिँ पंचहिँ वि सो परमप्पु हवेइ ॥45॥

Meaning : That who knows the objects of the five senses but is not knowable by those senses, know Him as Parmatman.

+ परमात्मा का वीतराग स्वरूप -
जसु परमत्थेँ बंधु णवि जोइय ण वि संसारु
सो परमप्पउ जाणि तुहुँ मणि मिल्लिवि ववहारु ॥46॥

Meaning : That whose Svabhava (real nature) is free from Bandh (bondage of Karmas) and Sansar (roaming about through the various stages of evolution, being subject to birth and death, or transmigrating from one condition of life to another) is the Parmatman. Meditate upon Him and regard the Vyavahar (apparent mode of discourse) a thing fit to be given up.

+ परमात्मा के ज्ञान के स्थान का कथन -
णेयाभावे विल्लि जिम थक्कइ णाणु वलेवि
मुक्कहँ जसु पय बिंबियउ परम-सहाउ भणेवि ॥47॥

Meaning : Kewal-Gyan (pure and perfect knowledge) is Infinite, it pervades all the objects of the universe ; had there been more objects, it would have also pervaded them, just as a creeper can pervade the whole room however large it may be. The soul who possesses such a Gyan (knowledge) is Parmatman.

+ कर्म बंधन से मुक्त परमात्मा का स्वरूप -
णेयाभावे विल्लि जिम थक्कइ णाणु वलेवि
मुक्कहँ जसु पय बिंबियउ परम-सहाउ भणेवि ॥48॥

Meaning : Karmas produce their respective effects in the shape of pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrow; but they neither destroy the Svabhava (real nature) of the Jiva (soul), nor can they produce any new Svabhava (nature) in it: that same Jiva is Parmatman ; realise Him by pure contemplation.

+ कर्म बंधन से मुक्त परमात्मा का स्वरूप -
कम्म-णिबद्धु वि होइ णवि जो फुडु कम्मु कया वि
कम्मु वि जो ण कया वि फुडु सो परमप्पउ भावि ॥49॥

Meaning : He who although in bondage with Karmas does not assume the nature of Karmas, nor can whose nature be assumed by the Karmas, is the Parmatman; see Him within thyself.

+ आत्मा क्या है -
कि वि भणंति जिउ सव्वगउ जिउ जडु के वि भणंति
कि वि भणंति जिउ देह-समु सुण्णु वि के वि भणंति ॥50॥

Meaning : Some persons hold that the Atman is Sarva-Vyapi (all pervading); some say that it is Jada (devoid of Jnana or knowledge); some maintain that the Atman is Deha Parimana (equal to the body), and there are others who assert that it is Shunya (void).

+ आत्मा का स्वरूप -
अप्पा जोइय सव्व-गउ अप्पा जडु वि वियाणि
अप्पा देह-पमाणु मुणि अप्पा सुण्णु वियाणि ॥51॥

Meaning : The Atman is Sarva-Vyapi (all pervading); it is also Jada (devoid of knowledge); it is also Deha Pariman. (equal to the body), and also Shunya (void).

+ आत्मा का सर्वव्यापक स्वरूप -
अप्पा कम्म - विवज्जियउ केवल-णाणेँ जेण
लोयालोउ वि मुणइ जिय सव्वगु वुच्चइ तेण ॥52॥

Meaning : The Atman when free from Karmas, knows the whole universe through Kewala Jnana ; for this reason it is called Sarva-Gyata or SarvaVyapi (all pervading).

+ आत्मा का जड स्वरूप -
जे णिय-बोह -परिट्ठियहँ जीवहँ तुट्टइ णाणु
इंदिय-जणियउ जोइया तिं जिउ जडु वि वियाणु ॥53॥

Meaning : When the Atman acquires Kewal-Gyan which is Atindriya (not acquired through the senses), then he does not possess the Indriya Gyan (knowledge derived through the five senses) ; because of the absence of the functioning of senses in that perfect condition He is described as Jada.

+ आत्मा का चरम शरीर प्रमाणरूप स्वरूप -
कारण - विरहिउ सुद्ध-जिउ वड्ढइ खिरइ ण जेण
चरम-सरीर-पमाणु जिउ जिणवर बोल्लहिं तेण ॥54॥

Meaning : When the Karmas which are the cause of increase and decrease of size and stature are destroyed, the Atman who by their destruction becomes the Siddha Atman (perfect, liberated soul) does not increase or decrease, but remains equal to the body from which he acquires Nirvana--this is what the Arhats have said, and it is in this respect that the Atman is called Deha Parimana (equal to the body).

+ आत्मा के शून्य स्वरूप का कथन -
अट्ठ वि कम्मइँ बहुविहइँ णवणव दोस वि जेण
सुद्धहँ एक्कुवि अत्थि णवि सुण्णु वि वुच्चइ तेण ॥55॥

Meaning : The Siddha Atman (perfect, liberated soul) is not in the bondage of any of the eight Karmas-or-their sub-divisions, nor does He possess any of the eighteen blemishes; as such He is called Shunya (void).

+ आत्मा के लक्षण -
अप्पा जणियउ केण ण वि अप्पेँ जणिउ ण कोइ
दव्व-सहावेँ णिच्चु मुणि पज्जउ विणसइ होइ ॥56॥

Meaning : None created the Atman, nor does the Atman create anything ; with reference to his Svabhava (nature) he is Nitya (eternal), but with reference to his Paryaya (condition or form) he is born and dies.

+ आत्मा के लक्षण का स्पष्टीकरण -
तं परियाणहि दव्वु तुहुँ जं गुण-पज्जय-जुत्तु
सह-भुव जाणहि ताहँ गुण कम-भुव पज्जउ वुत्तु ॥57॥

Meaning : Know that to be Dravya which possesses Gunas (attributes) and Paryayas (conditions) : that which is Svabhavi, that is, remains ever with the substance is Guna, and that which is Kramvarti (changing in succession) is called Paryaya.

+ आत्मा द्रव्य और उसके गुण -
अप्पा बुज्झहि दव्वु तुहुँ गुण पुणु दंसणु णाणु
पज्जय चउ-गइ-भाव तणु कम्म-विणिम्मिय जाणु ॥58॥

Meaning : Know the Atman as a Dravya, with Darshana (seeing) and Jnana (knowing) as his Gunas (attributes) and the Chaturgati Paribrahmana (transmigratory changes into the four grades of creation) as his Vibhava Paryayas (conditions caused by the Karmas).

+ आत्मा और कर्म का परष्पर सम्बन्ध -
जीवहँ कम्मु अणाइ जिय जणियउ कम्मु ण तेण
कम्मेँ जीउ वि जणिउ णवि दोहिँ वि आइ ण जेण ॥59॥

Meaning : Both the Jiva and Karma are eternal; neither creates the other; both are existing from eternity.

+ सभी जीवों का प्राण कर्म -
एहु ववहारेँ जीवउउ हेउ लहेविणु कम्मु
बहुविह-भावेँ परिणवइ तेण जि धम्मु-अहम्मु ॥60॥

Meaning : This Vyavahari Jiva (the embodied soul) by the Nimitta (cause or influence) of his previous Karmas, assumes the various conditions of virtue and evil.

+ कर्म के कारण जीव को स्वभाव-लाभ नहीं -
ते पुणु जीवहँ जोइया अट्ठ वि कम्म हवंति ।
जेहिँ जि झंपिय जीव णवि अप्प-सहाउ लहंति ॥61॥

Meaning : These Karmas are of eight kinds; because of their influence the Jiva does not obtain his Atmic Svabhava (real, spiritual nature).

+ विषय-कषायों में लिप्तता से कर्म-बंध -
विसय-कसायहिँ रंगियहँ ते अणुया लग्गंति ।
जीव-पएसेहँ मोहियहँ ते जिण कम्म भणंति ॥62॥

Meaning : The Parmanus of Pudgala (atoms of matter) which owing to Vishaya (desires), Kashaya (passions) and Moha (ignorance or illusion) become attached to Jiva-Pradeshas (various parts of embodied soul) have been described as the Karmaprakritis by Arhats.

+ इन्द्रियाँ, मन, समस्त विभाव, दुःख कर्म-जनित -
पंच वि इंदिय अण्णु मणु अण्णु वि सयल-विभाव ।
जीवहँ कम्मइँ जणिय जिय अण्णु वि चउगइ-ताव ॥63॥

Meaning : The Panch Indriya (five senses), Mana (mind or heart), Samast Vibhava Paranama (all other conditions and changes of the soul which are not natural to it) and all the tumults and turmoils in connection with the four grades of living beings are caused by Karmas.

+ परमार्थ से दुःख-सुख कर्म जनित -
दुक्खु वि सुक्खु वि बहु-विहउ जीवहँ कम्मु जणेइ ।
अप्पा देक्खइ मुणइ पर णिच्छउ एउँ भणेइ ॥64॥

Meaning : All kinds of pleasures and pains to the Jiva (soul) are caused by his Karmas; but from the Nischaya point of view, that is, with reference to the Svabhava (real nature) of the Jiva, He is the knower and seer only.

+ जिन्वचन को नहीं मानने का परिणाम -
सो णत्थि त्ति पएसो चउरासी-जोणि-लक्ख-मज्झम्मि ।
जिण वयणं ण लहंतो जत्थ ण डुलुडुल्लिओ जीवो ॥65-1॥

+ परमार्थ से बन्ध और मोक्ष कर्मजनित -
बंधु वि मोक्खु वि सयलु जिय जीवहँ कम्मु जणेइ ।
अप्पा किंपि वि कुणइ णवि णिच्छउ एउँ भणेइ ॥65॥

Meaning : O Soul ! Bandha (bondage) and Moksha (freedom or liberation) are both caused by the Karmas ; according to the Shuddha Nischaya Naya, that is from the standpoint of the nature of the Jiva-Dravya, the Jiva is not the creator of either of them.

+ कर्म द्वारा ही जीव के लोक में भ्रमण -
अप्पा पंगुह अणुहरइ अप्पु ण जाइ ण एइ ।
भुवणत्तयहँ वि मज्झि जिय विहि आणइ विहि णेइ ॥66॥

Meaning : Like a lame man, the Jiva by himself comes or goes nowhere; it is the force of Karmas which drag him about in the three worlds.

+ द्रव्य-रूप परिवर्तित नहीं होता -
अप्पा अप्पु जि परु जि परु अप्पा परु जि ण होइ ।
परु जि कयाइ वि अप्पु णवि णियमेँ पभणहिं जोई ॥67॥

Meaning : Atman is never anything but Atman ; the Para Padarth (non-soul) is always Par (different from self); neither the Atman can become the non-soul nor can the non-soul ever become the Atman : so say the Yogiswaras, the Masters of Humanity.

+ जीव के जन्म-मरण बंध-मोक्ष नहीं -
ण वि उप्पज्जइ ण वि मरइ बंधु ण मोक्खु करेइ ।
जिउ परमत्थेँ जोइया जिणवरु एउँ भणेइ ॥68॥

Meaning : With reference to its real nature the soul is free from birth and death from bondage, and also from freedom from bondage : such is the teaching of the Jindeva.

+ जीव के जन्म-मरण-रोग, इन्द्रियाँ, वर्ण नहीं -
अत्थि ण उब्भउ जर-मरणु रोय वि लिंग वि वण्ण ।
णियमिं अप्पु वियाणि तुहुँ जीवहँ एक्क वि सण्ण ॥69॥

Meaning : From the Nischaya point of view, that is, with reference to the real Svabhava or nature, birth, death, old age, disease, Linga (gender), Varna (colour or caste), etc., do not belong to the Atman (soul).

+ जन्म-बुढापा-मरण, रोग, वर्ण देह के -
देहहँ उब्भउ जर-मरणु देहहँ वण्णु विचित्तु ।
देहहँ रोय वियाणि तुहुँ देहहँ लिंगु विचित्तु ॥70॥

Meaning : all these belong to the body. It is the body which is born, which dies, becomes old, catches disease, possesses colour or caste, and is born as male, female or eunuch.

+ जीव को अमर जानकर भय-मुक्त हो -
देहहँ पेक्खिवि जर-मरणु मा भउ जीव करेहि ।
जो अजरामरु बंभु परु सो अप्पाणु मुणेहि ॥71॥

Meaning : O Soul ! Thou shouldst not fear seeing old age and death approaching thy body. Know thou the self-same Parbrahma who is Ajara (undecaying) and Amara (not liable to death) as thy own Atman (soul).

+ शरीर से ममत्व त्यागकर आत्मा को ध्या -
छिज्जउ भिज्जउ जाउ खउ जोइय एहु सरीरु ।
अप्पा भावहि णिम्मलउ जिं पावहि भव-तीरु ॥72॥

Meaning : The body might be pierced, cut or destroyed, thou shouldst not pay heed to it. Thou shouldst realize thy own pure soul, by which thou mayest cross the ocean of Sansar (the world).

+ पर-भाव और पर द्रव्य जीव स्वभाव से भिन्न -
कम्महँ केरा भावडा अण्णु अचेयणु दव्वु ।
जीव-सहावहँ भिण्णु जिय णियमिं बुज्झहि सव्वु ॥73॥

Meaning : Raga (attraction or love), Dvesha (repulsion or hatred), etc., which are Ashuddha Chetna (impure forms of consciousness) produced by Karmas, and the body, etc., which are Achetana (inanimate) objects, all these are distinct and separate from the Atman. Know this as certain.

+ ज्ञानमयी भाव को छोड़कर अन्य सभी भाव को त्याग -
अप्पा मेल्लिवि णाणमउ अण्णु परायउ भाउ ।
सो छंडेविणु जीव तुहुँ भावहि अप्प-सहाउ ॥74॥

Meaning : Gyan-Maee (embodiment of knowledge) is the Atman; give up all the Bhavas (thoughts and conditions) which are Bhinna (distinct and separate) from that Atman and realize and meditate upon thy pure self.

+ रत्नत्रयमयी आत्मा का ध्यान कर -
अट्ठहँ कम्महँ बाहिरउ सयलहँ दोसहँ चत्तु ।
दंसण-णाण-चरित्तमउ अप्पा भावि णिरुत्तु ॥75॥

Meaning : This Atman who is from the Nischaya point of view free from the eight kinds of Karmas and the eighteen Doshas (blemishes or imperfections) consists essentially in right belief, right knowledge and right conduct. You should know your own Atman to be so.

+ सम्यग्दृष्टि -
अप्पिं अप्पु मुणंतु जिंउ सम्मादिट्ठि हवेइ ।
सम्माइट्ठिउ जीवडउ लहु कम्मइँ मुच्चेइ ॥76॥

Meaning : He who believes the Atman to be the Atman (as described above) is a Samyak Drishti (believer in truth), and it is the Samyak Drishti who becomes free from the bondage of Karmas.

+ मिथ्यादृष्टि -
पज्जय-रत्तउ जीवडउ मिच्छादिट्ठि हवेइ ।
बंधउ बहु-विह-कम्मडा जेँ संसारु भमेइ ॥77॥

Meaning : He who works with attachment for the Paryayas (forms or conditions) is a Mithya Drishti; such a one enters into the bondage of Karmas and roams about in the Sansar (the world).

+ कर्म बलवान हैं -
कम्मइँ दिढ-घण-चिक्कणइँ गरुवइँ वज्ज-समाइँ ।
णाण-वियक्खणु जीवडउ उप्पहि पाडहिँ ताइँ ॥78॥

Meaning : Karmas are very powerful and tenacious; they are hard like a stone ; they obstruct the knowing capacity of the self and lead him into wrong paths.

+ मिथ्यात्वी का लक्षण -
जिउ मिच्छत्तेँ परिणमिउ विवरिउ तच्चु मुणेई ।
कम्म-विणिम्मिय भावडा ते अप्पाणु भणेइ ॥79॥

Meaning : The Jiva who gives himself up to Mithiyatva (falsehood) knows the Tattvas in the wrong way and believes the Bhavas (thoughts, forms or conditions) created by Karmas as his own.

+ मिथ्यात्वी की मान्यता -
हउँ गोरउ हउँ सामलउ हउँ जि विभिण्णउ वण्णु ।
हउँ तणु-अंगउँ थूलु हउँ एहउँ मूढउ मण्णु ॥80॥

Meaning : Those who describe themselves by saying - 'I am white', 'I am black' or 'I am of various other colours', 'I am fat' or 'I am lean' and the like, are the Mithya Drishti (false believers).

+ और भी -
हउँ वरु बंभणु वइसु हउँ हउँ खत्तिउ हउँ सेसु ।
पुरिसु णउँसर इत्थि हउँ मण्णइ मूढु विसेसु ॥81॥

Meaning : 'I am a Brahman'; 'I am a Vaishya'; 'I am a Kshatriya'; or 'I am a Sudra' etc.; also 'I am a man'; 'I am a woman'; or 'I am an eunuch'; all these and other like thoughts belong to a Mithya Drishti (false believer).

+ और भी -
तरुणउ बूढउ रूयडउ सूरउ पंडिउ दिव्वु ।
खवणउ वंदउ सेवडउ मूढउ मण्णइ सव्वु ॥82॥

Meaning : I am young'; 'I am old'; 'I am beautiful'; 'I am brave'; 'I am a Pandit' (a learned man); 'I am Uttama' (high); 'I am Digambara' (naked saint); 'I am Bodh Guru' (Buddhist saint); or 'I am a Svetambara Sadhu' (Jain saint having white clothes), -- those who possess such like thoughts should be considered as Mithya Drishtis.

+ और भी -
जणणी जणणु वि कंत घरु पत्तु वि मित्तु वि दव्वु ।
माया-जालु वि अप्पणउ मूढउ मण्णइ सव्वु ॥83॥

Meaning : Mother, father, husband, wife, son, friend, wealth, etc., are all MayaJala (net of illusion, not permanent, but perishable objects); the Mithya Drishti; however, knows them as his own.

+ अज्ञान ही पाप -
दुक्खहँ कारणि जे विसय ते सुह-हेउ रमेइ ।
मिच्छाइट्ठिउ जीवडउ इत्थु ण काइँ करेइ ॥84॥

Meaning : All sensual pleasures lead to pain and misery, but the Mithya Drishti takes a great delight in their enjoyment, regarding them to be the causes of happiness. What other improper act, then, will be not perform?

+ सम्यक्त्व की प्राप्ति -
कालु लहेविणु जोइया जिमु जिमु मोहु गलेइ ।
तिमु तिमु दंसणु लहइ जिउ णियमेँ अप्पु मुणेइ ॥85॥

Meaning : Having got the Kala Labdhi (opportune time) the more one's Moha (ignorance or illusion) is destroyed, the more he gets Shuddha-atma Rupa Samyak Darshana (right belief in the pure nature of Atman) and begins to reflect upon the self from the Nischaya point of view.

+ आत्मा स्पर्श या वर्ण नहीं -
अप्पा गोरउ किण्हु ण वि अप्पा रत्तु ण होइ ।
अप्पा सुहुमु वि थूलु ण वि णाणिउ जाणेँ जोइ ॥86॥

Meaning : Atman (soul) is neither white, nor black; neither Sukshma (fine), nor Sthool (gross); He is the Gyan Swarupa (embodiment of knowledge, or pure consciousness, by nature) ; only a Gyani (wise man) knows thus.

+ आत्मा के वर्ण या लिंग नहीं -
अप्पा बंभणु वइसु ण वि ण वि खत्तिउ ण वि सेसु ।
पुरिसु णउंसउ इत्थि ण वि णाणिउ मुणइ असेसु ॥87॥

Meaning : Atman is neither a Brahman, nor a Vaish; neither a Kshatriya nor a Sudra ; neither male, female, nor eunuch; He is the Jnana Swarupa (embodiment of knowledge, or pure consciousness, by nature) and by His Gyan knows all.

+ आत्मा के वेष नहीं -
अप्पा वंदउ खवणु ण वि अप्पा गुरउ ण होइ ।
अप्पा लिंगिउ एक्कु ण वि णाणिउ जाणइ जोइ ॥88॥

Meaning : Atman is neither a Yati (saint), nor a Guru (teacher); he is neither a Sanyasi, nor an Udasi, nor a Dandi, etc.; he is the Gyan Swarupa (embodiment of knowledge); it is only a Gyani (a sage) who knows the Atman.

+ आत्मा गुरु-शिष्यादिक भी नहीं -
अप्पा गुरु णवि सिस्सु णवि णवि सामिउ णवि भिच्चु ।
सूरउ कायरु होइ णवि णवि उत्तमु णवि णिच्चु ॥89॥

Meaning : Atman is neither a teacher, nor a disciple ; he is neither a king, nor & beggar; neither brave nor a coward ; neither high nor low ; he is the Gyan Swarupa (embodiment of knowledge); the Gyani alone knows the Atman.

+ आत्मा मनुष्य-देव आदि नहीं -
अप्पा माणुसु देउ ण वि अप्पा तिरिउ ण होइ ।
अप्पा णारउ कहिँ वि णवि णाणिउ जाणइ जोइ ॥90॥

Meaning : Atman is neither a human nor a celestial being ; he is neither Tiryancha (belonging to the animal, vegetable or mineral kingdom), nor a Narki (resident of hell). Atman is pure consciousness ; only the Jnanis know the Atman.

+ आत्मा पंडित मूर्ख आदि नहीं -
अप्पा पंडिउ मुक्खु णवि णवि ईसरु णवि णीसु ।
तरुणउ बूढउ बालु णवि अण्णु वि कम्म-विसेसु ॥91॥

Meaning : Atman is neither learned nor foolish; he is neither wealthy, nor poor; he is neither old, nor young; all these conditions are produced by Karmas.

+ आत्मा पुण्य-पापादि नहीं -
पुण्णु वि पाउ वि कालु णहु धम्माधम्मु वि काउ ।
एक्कु वि अप्पा होइ णवि मेल्लिवि चेयण-भाउ ॥92॥

Meaning : Atman is neither Punya (virtue), nor Papa (evil); Atman is neither Kala (time) nor Akasha (space); he is neither Dharma, the medium of motion, nor Adharma, the medium of coming to rest from motion. Atman is neither a compound of Pudgal (matter), such as the body, etc.; he is Chaitanya Swarupa (intelligent), never loses his consciousness and never becomes another.

+ आत्मा क्या है? -
अप्पा संजमु सीलु तउ अप्पा दंसणु णाणु ।
अप्पा सासय-मोक्ख-पउ जाणंतउ अप्पाणु ॥93॥

Meaning : Atman consists in Sanyama (control of senses and mercy on the living beings with six kinds of bodiest, Shila (freedom from lust, etc.), Tapa (as. ceticism), Darshana (seeing), and Jnana (knowing) by nature, and is Avinashi (imperishable), and Moksha-roop (free by nature); Atman alone can know itself.

+ आत्मा ही ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्र -
अण्णु जि दंसणु अत्थि ण वि अण्णु जि अत्थि ण णाणु ।
अण्णु जि चरणु ण अत्थि जिय मेल्लिवि अप्पा जाणु ॥94॥

Meaning : O Soul! There is no other Darshan (belief), Gyan (knowledge) and Charitra (acting or conduct) than Atman himself; know thou the combination of the three as the Atman.

+ आत्मध्यान किसी तीर्थ, गुरु, देव से भी उत्कृष्ट -
अण्णु जि तित्थु म जाहि जिय अण्णु जि गुरुउ म सेवि ।
अण्णु जि देउ म चिंति तुहुँ अप्पा विमलु मुएवि ॥95॥

Meaning : O Soul ! do not regard anything other than the pure Atman as the Tirtha (an object of worship or pilgrimage); do not serve any teacher other than the pure Atman; and do not think of God as other than the pure Atman See the pure Atman within thyself.

+ आत्मा ही दर्शन -
अप्पा दंसणु केवलु वि अण्णु सव्वु ववहारु ।
एक्कु जि जोइय झाइयइ जो तइलोयहँ सारु ॥96॥

Meaning : The Swarupa (real nature) of Atman is Kewal, Samyak Darshan (pure, right belief), all else is Vyavahara ; the highest which is in the universe is the Atman, and he is worshipful.

+ आत्मध्यान से क्षणमात्र में मुक्ति -
अप्पा झायहि णिम्मलउ किं बहुएँ अण्णेण ।
जो झायंतहँ परम-पउ लब्भइ एक्क-खणेण ॥97॥

Meaning : Meditate upon your pure Atman, by becoming motionless in whose contemplation for an Antara Muhurta (less than 48 minutes) one gets Moksha (emancipation). What is the use of all other Sadhanas (practices)?

+ आत्म-ज्ञान बिना ज्ञान तप निष्फल -
अप्पा णिय-मणि णिम्मलउ णियमेँ वसइ ण जासु ।
सत्थ-पुराणइँ तव-चरणु मुक्खु वि करहिँ कि तासु ॥98॥

Meaning : Neither Shastras nor Puranas (the study of religious books) nor even Tapashcharana (asceticism) can give Moksha (emancipation) to him whose mind is not absorbed in the contemplation of his Atman.

+ आत्मज्ञान से केवलज्ञान -
जोइय अप्पेँ जाणिएण जगु जाणियउ हवेइ ।
अप्पहँ केरइ भावडइ बिंबिउ जेण वसेइ ॥99॥

Meaning : O Yogin! One who knows his Atman knows all else, because in the Gyan (knowledge) of Atman the whole universe may be seen.

+ उसी को दृढ़ करते हैं -
अप्प-सहावि परिट्ठियह एहउ होइ विसेसु ।
दीसइ अप्प-सहावि लहु लोयालोउ असेसु ॥100॥

Meaning : One who realises his Atma-Svabhava (real nature of Atman) soon sees the Atman; and he also sees the whole universe.

+ केवलज्ञान का स्वभाव -
अप्पु पयासइ अप्पु परु जिम अंबरि रवि-राउ ।
जोइय एत्थु म भंति करि एहउ वत्थु-सहाउ ॥101॥

Meaning : As in Akasha (space) the sun illumines itself as well as all other objects, so does the Atman see himself as well as the Loka-Loka (the whole universe). Do not entertain any doubt about this : it is the Vastu Svabhava (nature of the substance) of Atman.

+ उदाहरण -
तारायणु जलि बिंबियउ णिम्मलि दीसइ जेम ।
अप्पए णिम्मलि बिंबियउ लोयालोउ वि तेम ॥102॥

Meaning : As in pure water groups of stars become visible by reflection, so does the Loka-Loka (whole universe) becomes visible in a pure Atman.

+ उपसंहार -
अप्पु वि परु वि वियाणइ जेँ अप्पेँ मुणिएण ।
सो णिय-अप्पा जाणि तुहुँ जोइय णाण-बलेण ॥103॥

Meaning : O, Prabhakara Bhatta! Know thou, through thy knowing power, that Pure Atman by knowing whom one can know the Self and all other objects.

+ प्रश्न -
णाणु पयासहि परमु महु किं अण्णेँ बहुएण ।
जेण णियप्पा जाणियइ सामिय एक्क-खणेण ॥104॥

Meaning : O, Master! Pray tell me that Jnana (knowledge or wisdom) by which one in a moment can know the pure Atman besides which nothing else is useful.

+ आत्मा का संस्थान -
अप्पा णाणु मुणेहि तुहुँ जो जाणइ अप्पाणु ।
जीव-पएसहिँ तित्तिडउ णाणेँ गयण-पवाणु ॥105॥

Meaning : 0, Prabhakara Bhatta ! Know thou the Atman as Jnan-maee (embodiment of knowledge); the Atman knows the Self through the Self, and from the Nischaya point of view is equal to the Loka (the whole world) and from the Vyavahara is equal to the body in which He dwells at the time. And with reference to Jnana (knowledge) He is equal to the Loka-Loka (the whole universe).

+ पर भावों को छोड़ -
अप्पहँ जे वि विभिण्ण वढ ते वि हवंति ण णाणु ।
ते तुहुँ तिण्णि वि परिहरिवि णियमिँ अप्पु वियाणु ॥106॥

Meaning : O, friend! know that all that is Bhinna (separate and distinct) from the Atman is not Jnana (knowledge); you should therefore know the Atman.

+ आत्मा ज्ञान गोचर -
अप्पा णाणहँ गम्मु पर णाणु वियाणइ जेण ।
तिण्णि वि मिल्लिवि जाणि तुहुँ अप्पा णाणेँ तेण ॥107॥

Meaning : Atman is a fit subject for Jnana. Atman can be known through Jnana (wisdom or knowledge) alone ; therefore, you should give up all else and know the Atman through Jiana. .

+ परलोक -- आत्मा से परमात्मा -
णाणिय णाणिउ णाणिएण णाणिउँ जा ण मुणेहि ।
ता अण्णाणिं णाणमउँ किं पर बंभु लहेहि ॥108॥

Meaning : As long as a saint does not know the Jnan-maee Atman (soul) whose Essence consists in knowledge, so long being affected with love and hatred of other objects, does he not obtain the status of the Par-Brahma or Parmatman (God).

+ परलोक -- अपना स्वरूप जानना -
जोइज्जइ तिं बंभु परु जाणिज्जइ तिं सोइ ।
बंभु मुणेविणु जेण लहु गम्मिज्जइ परलोइ ॥109॥

Meaning : By knowing the Atman the Parmatman is known. Know thou the highest of all, and the pure soul who is designated by the word Par-Brahma or Par-Loka (God).

+ परलोक -- ध्यान का ध्येय -
मुणि-वर-विंदहँ हरि-हरहं जो मणि णिवसइ देउ ।
परहँ जि परतरु णाणमउ सो वुच्चइ पर-लोउ ॥110॥

Meaning : That Deva (God) who is dwelling in the minds of Munishvaras (saints) and of Hari, Hara (great personages), etc., is the highest of all, free from foreign elements, pure knowledge in nature and is called by the name of Par-Loka.

+ जैसी मति वैसी गति -
सो पर वुच्चइ लोउ परु जसु मइ तित्थु वसेइ ।
जहिँ मइ तहिँ गइ जीवह जि णियमेँ जेण हवेइ ॥111॥

Meaning : One in whose mind dwells the Shuddha Atman (pure and perfect effulgence of soul), called the Par-Loka or Parmatman, is sure to become the Parmatman; because the Jiva (soul) becomes that which be believes himself to be.

+ पर-द्रव्य को मत देख -
जहिँ मइ तहिँ गइ जीव तहुँ मरणु वि जेण लहेहि ।
तेँ परबंभु मुएवि मइँ मा पर-दव्वि करेहि ॥112॥

Meaning : As is thy Buddhi (inclination or desire), so wilt thou be born after death, hence thou shouldst not detach thy inclination from Par-Brahma and attach it to Par-Dravya (any substance, or object, other than the slf).

+ पर-द्रव्य -
जं णियदव्वहँ भिण्णु जडु तं परदव्वु वियाणि ।
पुग्गलु धम्माधम्मु णहु कालु वि पंचमु जाणि ॥113॥

Meaning : Know thou that which is distinct from Atman and is Jara (inanimate or non-intelligent) as Par-Dravya. The Par-Dravya consists of Pudgala (matter), Akasha (space), Kala (time), Dharma (the substance which helps in the motion of souls and matter) and Adharma (the substance which helps souls and matter in ceasing to move); all these five are distinct from Atman and are devoid of consciousness or intelligence.

+ ध्यान की सामर्थ्य -
जइ णिविसद्धु वि कु वि करइ परमप्पइ अणुराउ ।
अग्गि-कणी जिम कट्ठ-गिरि डहइ असेसु वि पाउ ॥114॥

Meaning : A Samyak-Drishti (one possessing true belief) who even for a moment becomes absorbed in his Shuddha Atman (pure self) or Parmatman (God), destroys a large number of his Karmas, just as a spark of fire quickly burns up heaps of straw in a short time.

+ चिंता रहित होकर देख -
मेल्लिवि सयल अवक्खडी जिय णिच्चिंतउ होइ ।
चित्तु णिवेसहि परमपए देउ णिरंजणु जोइ ॥115॥

Meaning : O, Soul! Give up all care, and be calm ; apply thy mind to the Parmatma-Swarupa (Godhead) and behold the Niramjana (having no defilement) Deva, i.e., thy Shuddha, Nirmala Atman.

+ आत्म-ध्यान के बिना सुख सम्भव नहीं -
जं सिव-दंसणि परम-सुहु पावहि झाणु करंतु ।
तं सुहु भुवणि वि अत्थि णवि मेल्लिवि देउ अणंतु ॥116॥

Meaning : That happiness which one gets in the meditation of the real nature of his soul which alone is Shiva or Parmatman (God) is not to be found anywhere else in the three worlds.

+ आत्म-ध्यानी के सुख के सामान सुख नहीं -
जं मुणि लहइ अणंत-सुहु णिय-अप्पा झायंतु ।
तं सुहु इंदु वि णवि लहइ देविहिँ कोडि रमंतु ॥117॥

Meaning : That happiness which a Sadhu (saint or ascetic) enjoys in the meditation of his Nija, Shuddha Atman (his own, pure soul), is not to be got even by an Indra, the lord of many Devangnas (goddesses).

+ आत्म-ध्यानी को भगवान जैसा सुख -
अप्पा-दंसणि जिणवरहँ जं सुहु होइ अणंतु ।
तं सुहु लहइ विराउ जिउ जाणंतउ सिउ संतु ॥118॥

Meaning : The Jinendra enjoys happiness in seeing his pure Atman. The same happiness is tasted by Vitragi Purushas (persons devoid of love and hatred) when they are absorbed in the meditation of the pure nature of their Atman.

+ मोक्ष अपने आप में -
जोइय णिय-मणि णिम्मलए पर दीसइ सिउ संतु ।
अंबरि णिम्मलि घण-रहिए भाणु जि जेम फुरंतु ॥119॥

Meaning : As the sun is visible in the sky when it is free from clouds, so is the Shiva or Parmatman visible in the Nirmala Mana (passionless mind).

+ राग-रंजित को मोक्ष-सुख नहीं -
राएँ रंगिए हियवडए देउ ण दीसइ संतु ।
दप्पणि मइलए बिंबु जिम एहउ जाणि णिभंतु ॥120॥

Meaning : The Parmatman who is free from Raga (attachment) and Dvesha (hatred) cannot be seen in the Atman coloured by Raga-adik (attachment, etc.) just as one's face is not visible in a dirty glass. O! Prabhakara Bhatta ! Know it thus ; there is not the least doubt about it.

+ राग और सुख एक साथ नहीं रह सकते -
जसु हरिणच्छी हियवडए तसु णवि बंभु वियारि ।
ऐक्कहिँ केम समंति वढ बे खंडा पडियारि ॥121॥

Meaning : It is not possible for Brahma or Siddha Parmatman (God or Pure, Perfect Soul) to dwell in a mind which is occupied by a woman, because two swords cannot reside in one sheath.

+ भगवान आत्मा अनादि से -
णिय-मणि णिम्मलि णाणियहँ णिवसइ देउ अणाइ ।
हंसा सरवरि लीणु जिम महु एहउ पडिहाइ ॥122॥

Meaning : The most-worshipful God who is Anadi (eternal) and Ananta (everlasting) dwells in the pure mind of the Jnani (wise) who are free from the impurity of Raga-adi (attachment, etc.), just as a Hans (swan) lives in a Sarovara (lake or tank). O disciple! this is perfectly clear to my mind.

+ वन्द्य-वंदक भाव रहित -
मणु मिलियउ परमेसरहँ परमेसरु वि मणस्स ।
बीहि वि समरसि हूवाहँ पुज्ज चडावउँ कस्स ॥123-अ॥

Meaning : The Deva (God) who is Avinashi (imperishable), free from Karmas, and Jnan-Maee (embodiment of knowledge or consciousness) does not dwell in a temple, in an idol of stone, or a book or picture. He dwells only in a SamaBhavaroop Mana (an equality-loving and undisturbed mind).

+ मन पर लगाम द्वारा मुक्ति प्राप्ति -
जेण णिरंजणि मणु धरिउ विषय-कसायहिँ जंतु ।
मोक्खहँ कारणु एत्तडउ अण्णु ण तनु ण मंतु ॥123-ब॥

Meaning : He who holds back his mind from sensual pleasures and passions and applies it to the Niramjana (unimpure, i.e., perfect) Parmatman, is on the Marga (way) to Moksha (salvation). There is no other means such as Mantra, Tantra, etc., to acquire Moksha.

+ समभाव द्वारा सुख की प्राप्ति -
देउ ण देउले णवि सिलए णवि लिप्पइ णवि चित्ति ।
अखउ णिरंजणु णाणमउ सिउ संठिउ सम-चित्ति ॥1॥

Meaning : O Guru! Pray tell me what is Moksha (freedom or salvation), what the Moksha-Marga (the way to salvation) and what its Phala (fruit or result), so that I may know the Parma-arth (the highest aim of life).

+ शिष्य द्वारा अनुरोध -
सिरिगुरु अक्खहि मोक्खु महु मोक्खहँ कारणु तत्थु ।
मोक्खहँ केरउ अण्णु फलु जेँ जाणउँ परमत्थु ॥2॥

Meaning : O Shishya (disciple)! Thou askest me what are Moksha (salvation), the Moksha-Marga (way to salvation) and the Moksha-Phala (fruit of salvation). I tell it to thee in accordance with the Jina-Vani (the teaching of God), hear thou with a calm mind.

+ मोक्ष, मोक्ष का फल, मोक्ष का कारण करने की प्रतिज्ञा -
जोइय मोक्खु वि मोक्ख-फ लु पुच्छिउ मोक्खहँ हेउ ।
सो जिण-भासिउ णिसुणि तुहुँ जेण वियाणहि भेउ ॥3॥

Meaning : Owing to the perfection of happiness and knowledge, Moksha is higher than Dharma (virtue), Artha (wealth, high position, etc.) and Kama. (enjoyment of sensual pleasures).

+ मोक्ष ही सुख -
धम्मह अत्थहँ कामहँ वि एयहँ सयलहँ मोक्खु ।
उत्तमु पभणहिँ णाणि जिय अण्णेँ जेण ण सोक्खु ॥4॥

Meaning : If Moksha were not superior to Dharma, Artha and Kama, the Tirthankaras would not have given them up to acquire it.

+ तीन पुरुषार्थों की अपेक्षा मोक्ष पुरुषार्थ की उत्तमता -
जइ जिय उत्तमु होइ णवि एयहँ सयलहँ सोइ ।
तो किं तिण्णि वि परिहरवि जिण वच्चहिँ पर-लोइ ॥5॥

Meaning : If Moksha did not imply the highest bliss, it would not have been called Uttama (superior); if Freedom were not preferable, the imprisoned animals would not have striven for liberation.

+ मोक्ष तीन-लोक में उत्कृष्ट -
अणु जइ जगहँ वि अहिययरु गुण-गणु तासु ण होइ ।
तो तइलोउ वि किं धरइ णिय-सिर-उप्परि सोइ ॥6॥

Meaning : If Moksha did not possess so many of the noblest qualities (such as infinite knowedge, infinite happiness, etc.) the Tri-Loka (the three worlds) would not have placed it over their head.

+ मोक्ष में अविनाशी सुख -
उत्तमु सुक्खु ण देइ जइ उत्तमु मुक्खु ण होइ ।
तो किं सयलु वि कालु जिय सिद्ध वि सेवहिँ सोइ ॥8॥

Meaning : If Moksha did not possess the highest and the most perfect bliss, how could it be regarded as superior ? How could the Siddha Bhagwans (liberated and perfect souls) remain there for ever?

+ सभी ज्ञानियों का ध्येय मोक्ष -
हरिहरब्रह्माणोऽपि जिनवरा अपि मुनिवरवृन्दान्यपि भव्याः ।
परमनिरञ्जने मनः धृत्वा मोक्षं एव ध्यायन्ति सर्वे ॥8॥

Meaning : Hari-Har, Brahma, Jineshwara, and all the saints and rightbelievers have, in order to acquire Moksha, applied their whole mind to the Parma, Niramjama Parmatman (the supreme, pure and perfect God).

+ मोक्ष के चिंतवन की प्रेरणा -
तिहुयणि जीवहँ जत्थि णवि सोक्खहँ कारणु कोइ ।
मुक्सु मुएविणु एक्कु पर तेणवि चिंतहि सोइ ॥9॥

Meaning : Verily, in the three worlds, there is no source of happiness other than Moksha ; therefore it is that all living beings desire Moksha.

+ मोक्ष - परमात्म-प्राप्ति -
जीवहँ सो पर मोक्खु मुणि जो परमप्पय-लाहु ।
कम्म-कलंक-विमुक्काहँ णाणिय बोल्लहिँ साहू ॥10॥

Meaning : O Prabhakara Bhatta ! Know thou that to obtain the Parmatman Swarup (the supreme nature of Godhead), by becoming free from one's Karmas, is called Moksha by the Sages.

+ मोक्षफल - शास्वत सुख -
दंसणु णाणु अणंत-सुहु समउ ण तुट्टइ जासु ।
सो पर सासउ मोक्ख-फलु बिज्जउ अत्थि ण तासु ॥11॥

Meaning : Kewala Darshan (pure and perfect seeing), Kewala Jnana (pure and perfect knowing), Ananta Sukha (infinite happiness), and Ananta Virya (infinite power), etc.,--these highest attributes are the fruits of Moksha ; and these fruits never fall off from the tree of Moksha (i.e., they are imperishable; once acquired they do not decline); and there is no fruit bigher than these.

+ मोक्ष-मार्ग - निश्चय रत्नत्रय -
जीवहँ मोक्खहँ हेउ वरु दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु ।
ते पुणु तिण्णि वि अप्पु मुणि णिच्छएँ एहउ वुत्तु ॥12॥

Meaning : From the Vyavahara (apparent or secondary) point of view, Samyaka Darshan (right belief), Samyaka Jnana (right knowledge) and Samyaka Charitra (right conduct) are the causes of Moksha; but from the Nischaya (real or primary) point of view the pure Atman itself is the cause of Moksha.

+ मोक्ष-मार्ग - रत्नत्रय परिणत आत्मा -
पेच्छइ जाणइ अणुचरइ अप्पिं अप्पउ जो जि ।
दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु जिउ मोक्खहँ कारणु सो जि ॥13॥

Meaning : The soul sees, knows, and realizes the Self through the Self ; consisting in the unity of the three Jewels, the soul is verily the cause of Moksha.

+ व्यवहार-रत्नत्रय की सार्थकता -
जं बोल्लइ ववहारु-णउ दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु ।
तं परियाणहि जीव तुहुँ जेँ परु होहि पवित्तु ॥14॥

Meaning : The Vyavahara Naya (point of view) maintains that one should know well the Samyaka Darshan (right belief), Samyaka Jnana (right knowledge) and Samyaka Charitra (right conduct), so that one might become pure,

+ व्यवहार-सम्यक्त्व -
दव्वइँ जाणइ जहठियइँ तह जगि मण्णइ जो जि ।
अप्पहँ केरउ भावडउ अविचलु दंसणु सो जि ॥15॥

Meaning : Pure, undisturbed belief in the true nature of Atman, resulting from the knowledge of the different substances, as they exist in the universe, is Samyaka Darshan (right belief).

+ छह-द्रव्य -
दव्वइँ जाणहि ताइँ छह तिहुयणु भरियउ जेहिँ ।
आइ-विणास-विवज्जियहिँ णाणिहि पभणियएहिँ ॥16॥

Meaning : The Dravyas (substances) which exist in the three worlds are six ; they have no beginning or end, that is, they were neither created nor can they be annihilated; the Sages have said so.

+ द्रव्यों के नाम -
जीउ सचेयणु दव्वु मुणि पंच अचेयण अण्ण ।
पोग्गलु धम्माहम्मु णहु कालेँ सहिया भिण्ण ॥17॥

Meaning : Chidananda (knower and happy), Aik-Svabhava (pure by nature, having no adulteration of duality) Jiva Dravya (soul) is Chaitanya (possessing consciousness or intelligence); and the remaining five Dravyas, that is, Pudgala (matter), Dharma (the element which helps souls and matter in motion), Adharma (the element which assists in the cessation of movement), Akasha (space), and Kala (time) are Achaitanya (devoid of consciousness-or intelligence),--these six Dravyas, possessing their own Lakshanas (distinguishing attributes), are existing in the same place.

+ जीव का लक्षण -
मुत्ति-विहूणउ णाणमउ परमाणंद-सहाउ ।
णियमिं जोइय अप्पु मुणि णिच्चु णिरंजणु भाउ ॥18॥

Meaning : The Jiva or Atman (soul) is Amoorteek being devoid of Rasa (taste), Sparsha (tangibility), Gandha (smell), and Varna (colour); he is Jnan-maee being possessed of Jnana (knowledge) which can in one moment illuminate (know) the whole universe; he is Parmanand, being Vitaraga (free from love and hatred) and devoid of desires, passions and affections ; he is also Avinashi (imperishable) and Niramjana (pure).

+ पुद्गल, धर्म, अधर्म का लक्षण -
पुग्गलु छव्वहु मुत्तु वढ इयर अमुत्तु वियाणि ।
धम्माधम्मु वि गयठियहँ कारणु पभणहिँ णाणि ॥19॥

Meaning : Pudgala (matter) is of six kinds and is Moorteek (knowable through the senses); the other five Dravyas are Amoorteek (not Moorteek) ; the Dharma Dravya helps in movement, while the Adharma Dravya assists souls and Pudgala in the cessation of motion. The Sarvagya Deva (Allknowing God) has said so.

+ आकाश द्रव्य -
दव्वुइँ सयलइँ उवरि ठियइँ णियमेँ जासु वसंति ।
तं णहु दव्वु वियाणि तुहुं जिणवर एउ भणंति ॥20॥

Meaning : That Dravya in which all other Dravyas exist and which gives room to them all is Akasha; Shri Jinendra Deva has said so.

+ काल द्रव्य -
कालु मुणिज्जहि दव्वु तुहुँ वट्टण-लक्खणु एउ ।
रयणहँ रासि विभिण्ण जिम तसु अणुयहँ तह भेउ ॥21॥

Meaning : Know that to be the Kala Dravya of which the Lakshana (distinguishing attribute) is Vartna (to bring about or carry on change), that is, it is a secondary cause to the Pranaman (changes) of all the objects; Anus (particles) of Kala are existing separately; as in a heap of jewels all the jewels remain separate, so is the case with Kala-Anus.

+ अखंड-प्रदेशी द्रव्य -
जीउ वि पुग्गलु कालु जिय ए मेल्लेविणु दव्व ।
इयर अखंड वियाणि तुहुँ अप्प-पएसहिँ सव्व ॥22॥

Meaning : The three Dravyas other than Jiva (soul), Pudgala (matter) and Kala (time), that is, Dharma, Adharma and Akasha, are each of them only one and indivisible.

+ क्रिया-रहित द्रव्य -
दव्व चयारि वि इयर जिय गमणागमण-विहीण ।
जीउ वि पुग्गलु परिहरिवि पभणहिँ णाण-पवीण ॥23॥

Meaning : Besides Jiva (soul) and Pudgala (matter), the remaining four Dravyas, that is, Dharma, Adharma, Akasha and Kala, do not possess movement; the Sages have said so.

+ द्रव्यों के प्रदेश -
धम्माधम्मु वि एक्कु जिऊ ए जि असंख्य-पदेस ।
गयणु अणंत-पएसु मुणि बहु-विह पुग्गल-देस ॥24॥

Meaning : Both the Dharma and the Adharma Dravya are Asankhyat Pradeshi (extending over countless points); each Jiya (soul) is also Asankhyat Pradeshi, Akasha is Ananta Pradeshi (possessing infinite parts), and Pudgala, with reference to its Parmanu (particle or atom), is Eka Pradeshi (possessing one part alone), and with reference to its Skandhas (compounds) is Sankhyat Pradeshi (possessing parts which can be counted), Asankhyat Pradeshi (possessing countless parts) as well as Ananta Pardeshi (possessing infinite parts); each Kala-Anu (time-atom) is Eka Pradeshi (possessing one part only).

+ एक जगह रहते हुए भी मिलते नहीं -
लोयागासु धरेवि जिय कहियइँ दव्वइँ जाइँ ।
एक्कहिँ मिलियइँ इत्थु जगि सगुणहिँ णिवसहिँ ताइँ ॥25॥

Meaning : Although the six Dravyas (substances) are existing in Lokakasha (space of the world), still they are in reality existing in their own Gunas (attributes).

+ द्रव्यों का जीव पर उपकार -
एयइँ दव्वइँ देहियहँ णिय-णिय-कज्जु जणंति ।
चउ-गइ-दुक्ख सहंत जिय तेँ संसारु भमंति ॥26॥

Meaning : The five Ajiva substances all perform their functions according to their nature; being affected by them the Jiva (soul) wanders about in the Samsara, suffering pains and pleasures of the four classes of life.

+ पर-द्रव्य दुःख का कारण -
दुक्खहँ कारणु मुणिवि जिय दव्वहँ एहु सहाउ ।
होयवि मोक्खहँ मग्गि लहु गम्मिज्जइ पर-लोउ ॥27॥

Meaning : O, Soul! Know thou all these five Dravyas as the cause of Dukha (pain), because by furnishing thee with thy body, form, and the like, they make thee wander in the Samsara ; hence thou shouldst follow the Moksha-Marga (way to salvation) so that thou mightst obtain Moksha.

+ क्रम-प्राप्त ज्ञान और चारित्र का वर्णन -
णियमेँ कहियउ एहु मइँ ववहारेण वि दिट्ठि ।
एवहिँ णाणु चरित्तु सुणि जेँ पावहि परमेट्ठि ॥28॥

Meaning : From the Vyavahara point of view, I have given the description of Samyaka Darshan (true belief). Now hear thou the description of Samyaka Jnana (true knowledge) and Samyaka Charitra (true conduct) in the same way, so that thou mightst obtain the Parmeshti (God-head).

+ सम्यग्ज्ञान -
जं जह थक्कउ दव्वु जिय तं तह जाणइ जो जि ।
अप्पहं केरउ भावडउ णाणु मुणिज्जहि सो जि ॥29॥

Meaning : He who knows the substances as they actually are and knows the Atman likewise is a Samyaka Jnani (the knower of truth).

+ सम्यक-चारित्र -
जाणवि मण्णवि अप्पु परु जो पर-भाउ चएइ ।
सो णिउ सुद्धउ भावडउ णाणिहिं चरणु हवेइ ॥30॥

Meaning : He, who having known and ascertained the nature of the self and the not-self, gives up Para-Bhavas (attributes or conditions of the not-self) and becomes firmly established in his Shuddha Atma (pure self), is said to possess the Samyaka Charitra (proper or right conduct).

+ अभेद रत्नत्रय -
जो भत्तउ रयणत्तयहँ तसु मुणि लक्खणु एउ ।
अप्पा मिल्लिवि गुण-णिलउ तासु वि अण्णु ण झेउ ॥31॥

Meaning : O Prabhakara Bhatta! The Lakshana (distinguishing attribute) of a Bhakta (lover) of the three jewels, that is, right belief, right knowledge and right conduct, is that he does not meditate upon any object other than his Shuddha Atman (pure soul), the centre of numerous good qualities.

+ रत्नत्रय ही आत्मा -
जे रयणत्तउ णिम्मलउ णाणिय अप्पु भणंति ।
ते आराहय सिव-पयहँ णिय-अप्पा झायंति ॥32॥

Meaning : He who knows the Atman as possessing Nirmala Jnana (pure knowledge) and as essentially existing in the unity of the three jewels, becomes the worshipper of Moksha, ard contemplates upon his Shuddha Atman (pure self) alone.

+ निर्मल आत्म-ध्यान से मुक्ति -
अप्पा गुणमउ णिम्मलउ अणुदिणु जे झायंति ।
ते पर णियमेँ परम-मुणि लहु णिव्वाणु लहंति ॥33॥

Meaning : Those Maha Munis (great saints) who, having realized their Nirmala (pure) and Jnana-Maee (omniscient) Atman become immersed in meditation, verily soon obtain the Moksha-Pada (status of being free from the Karmas, i.e., God-hood).

+ सामान्य अवलोकन - दर्शन -
सयल-पयत्थहँ जं गहणु जीवहँ अग्गिमु होइ ।
वत्थु-विसेस-विवज्जयउ तं णिय-दंसणु जोइ ॥34॥

Meaning : The general awareness or knowledge of things which precedes the knowledge of their detail is Darshana.

+ दर्शन पूर्वक ज्ञान -
दंसणपुव्वु हवेइ फु डु जं जीवहँ विण्णाणु ।
वत्थु-विसेसु मुणंतु जिय तं मुणि अविचलु णाणु ॥35॥

Meaning : First comes Darshana and then Jnana which is that by which an object can be known in its particular aspect or detail.

+ तप द्वारा निर्जरा -
दुक्खु वि सुक्खु सहंतु जिय णाणिउ झाण-णिलीणु ।
कम्महँ णिज्जर-हेउ तउ वुच्चइ संग-विहीणु ॥36॥

Meaning : A Parigraha-Rahit (devoid of attachment for the worldly objects) Jnani (sage) being immersed in meditation, bears all pleasures and pains with equanimity, that is, he does not become elated while surrounded by prosperity, nor does he feel depressed amidst adversity. He remains indifferent to both, and thus destroys his Karmas.

+ समभाव द्वारा संवर -
बिण्णि वि जेण सहंतु मुणि मणि सम-भाउ करेइ ।
पुण्णहँ पावहँ तेण जिय संवर-हेउ हवेइ ॥37॥

Meaning : The Muni (saint) who bears pleasures and pains with equanimity, stops the influx of Punya (virtue) and Papa (evil).

+ आत्मलीन ही संवर और निर्जरा -
अच्छइ जित्तिउ कालु मुणि अप्प-सरूवि णिलीणु ।
संवर-णिज्जर जाणि तुहुं सयल-वियप्प-विहीणु ॥38॥

Meaning : So long as a Muni becoming free from all Vikalpas (mental commotions or disturbances) remains immersed in his own Swarupa (pure self), he does Samvara and Nirjara all that time.

+ परिग्रह-रहित को संवर-निर्जरा -
कम्मु पुरक्किउ सो खवइ अहिणव पेसु ण देइ ।
संगु मुएविणु जो सयलु उवसम-भाउ करेइ ॥39॥

Meaning : The Muni who gives up all Parigrala, and establishes himself in Sambhava (equanimity, evenness of mind), destroys his previously-acquired Karmas and stops the inflow of new ones.

+ समभाव बिना रत्नत्रय नहीं -
दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु तसु जो सम-भाउ करेइ ।
इयरहँ एक्कु वि अत्थि णवि जिणवरु एउ भणेइ ॥40॥

Meaning : He who possesses Sambhava (equanimity) enjoys right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct, the three Jewels ; but he who is devoid of Sambhava, does not possess any of the three. The Jinwara (the Conqueror of the lower-self) has said so.

+ कषायों द्वारा असंयम -
जाँवइ णाणिउ उवसमइ तामइ संजदु होइ ।
होइ कसायहँ वसि गयउ जीउ असंजदु सो ॥41॥

Meaning : So long as a Jnani (Sage) possesses. Sambhava (equanimity or tranquillity of mind), he is Samyami; when he is under the influence of Kashayas (passions, etc.) he is then Asamyami.

+ मोह-राग-द्वेष रहित को मुक्ति -
जेण कसाय हवंति मणि सो जिय मिल्लहि मोहु ।
मोह-कसाय-विवज्जयउ पर पावहि सम-बोहु ॥42॥

Meaning : That which produces Kashaya (passion) in mind is Moha (attachment) which ought to be abandoned, for by the abandonment of Moha and Kashaya (attachment and passion or excitement) Sambhava (equanimity) is produced.

+ परमार्थ के ज्ञाता सुखी -
तत्तातत्तु मुणेवि मणि जे थक्का सम-भावि ।
ते पर सुहिया इत्थु जगि जहँ रइ अप्प-सहावि ॥43॥

Meaning : The Sages who know the Tattva and the Atattva (self and not-self), who establish themselves in Sambhava (equanimity) and who become Leena immersed) in the contemplation of their Shuddha Atman (pure self) are verily happy.

+ समभावधारी की निंदा द्वारा स्तुति -
बिण्णि वि दोस हवंति तसु जो सम-भाउ करेइ ।
बंधु जि णिहणइ अप्पणउ अणु जगु गहिलु करेइ ॥44॥

Meaning : There are two defects in him who adopts Sambhava (equinimity); firstly, he destroys his Karma-Bandha (bondage of Karmas); and secondly, he is, owing to his behaviour being contrary to that of the worldly people, called mad' by them.

+ और भी निन्दा द्वारा स्तुति -
अण्णु वि दोसु हवेइ तसु जो सम-भाउ करेइ ।
सत्तु वि मिल्लिवि अप्पणउ परहँ णिलीणु हवेइ ॥45॥

Meaning : He who adopts Sambhava (equanimity.) can be charged with two other faults-firstly, he leaves his old associate (that is Karma), and secondly, being absorbed in the Atman-Swarup (pure nature of soul) he becomes dependent upon it.

+ योगी और भोगी में भेद -
जा णिसि सयलहँ देहियहँ जोग्गिउ तहिँ जग्गेइ ।
जहिँ पुणु जग्गइ सयलु जगु सा णिसि मणिवि सुवेइ ॥46-अ॥

Meaning : At night the people of the world go to sleep, but the Yogins keep awake and engage themselves in meditation, and when at daytime the whole world' is awake and when men are engaged in their worldly affairs, the Yogins call it darkness and say that the world is asleep, because it is then involved in spiritual darkness.

+ और भी निन्दा द्वारा स्तुति -
अण्णु वि दोसु हवेइ तसु जो समभाउ करेइ ।
वियलु हवेविणु इक्कलउ उप्परि जगहँ चडेइ ॥46॥

Meaning : There is another fault with him who adopts the Sambhava (equanimity),--he leaves his body and alone mounts high over the world, when the soul attains Moksha, he becomes bodiless and goes to the Siddha Sila at the top of the world. This is laudable in reality, but is mentioned by the Acharya in the guise of a blame, because the world regards those who live in the self as highly selfish.

+ ज्ञानी के किसी से राग द्वेष नहीं -
णाणि मुएप्पिणु भाउ समु कित्थु वि जाइ ण राउ ।
जेण लहेसइ णाणमउ तेण जि अप्प-सहाउ ॥47॥

Meaning : The Sage does not give up Sambhava (equanimity) nor forms an attachment for any object other than his self ; that Jnana. Maee (embodiment of knowledge) Ideal which he wants to realise is none other than the Svabhava (real nature) of his Atman.

+ ज्ञानी समभाव को छोड़कर कुछ नहीं करता -
भणइ भणावह णवि थुणइ णिदह णाणि ण कोइ ।
सिद्धिहिँ कारणु भाउ समु जाणंतउ पर सोइ ॥48॥

Meaning : The Sage does not talk of any other object, nor does he cause others to talk of any other object than the self ; neither he praises anything, nor does he speak ill of anything; he knows that the cause of Moksha is Sambhava fequanimity or evenness of mind towards all).

+ ज्ञानी के परिग्रह में राग-द्वेष नहीं -
गंथहँ उप्परि परम-मुणि देसु वि करइ ण राउ ।
गंथहँ जेण वियाणियउ भिण्णउ अप्प-सहाउ ॥49॥

Meaning : Parama-Munis (holy saints) neither cherish attachment for Parigraha (worldly objects and passions), nor do they entertain hatred towards them; they know that the Svabhava (real nature) of Atman is distinct from Parigraha.

+ ज्ञानी के विषयों में राग-द्वेष नहीं -
विसयहँ उप्परि परम-मुणि देसु वि करइ ण राउ ।
विसयहँ जेण वियाणियउ भिण्णउ अप्प-सहाउ ॥50॥

Meaning : Great Ascetics do not entertain Raga (love or attachment) and Dvesha (hatred) towards any kind of Vishaya (pleasures of the senses or objects thereof); they know that the Svabhava (real nature) of Atman is distinct from them all.

+ ज्ञानी के देह में राग-द्वेष नहीं -
देहहँ उप्परि परम-मुणि देसु वि करइ ण राउ ।
देहहँ जेण वियाणियउ भिण्णउ अप्प-सहाउ ॥51॥

Meaning : Parama-Munis do not entertain love or hatred even towards their body ; they know that the Svabhava (real nature) of Atman is separate from the body.

+ ज्ञानी के ग्रहण-त्याग में राग-द्वेष नहीं -
वित्ति-णिवित्तिहिँ परम-मुणि देसु वि करइ ण राउ ।
बंधहँ हेउ वियाणियउ एयहँ जेण सहाउ ॥52॥

Meaning : Parama-Munis do not also entertain love and hatred towards Vrita - (vows) and Avrita (non-observance of vows); they know them to be the causes of bondage, Vrita causing the bondage of virtue, Avrita of evil.

+ बंध-मोक्ष का कारण स्वयं -- ज्ञानी -
बंधहँ मोक्खहँ हेउ णिउ जो णवि जाणइ कोइ ।
सो पर मोहिं करइ जिय पुण्णु वि पाउ वि दोइ ॥53॥

Meaning : That person who does not know the causes of Bandha (bondage) and Moksha (freedom or emancipation), under the influence of Mithiyatwa (false belief), makes a distinction between Punya (virtue) and Papa (evil). Such a person makes this distinction between good and bad deeds that he regards the former as beneficial to, and a thing to be adopted by, the soul, and the latter as injurious to and, therefore, a thing to be abandoned by it. But in reality with reference to Moksha they both stand on the same footing, being the causes of the bondage of Karmas. Hence the Jnani (Sage) abandons them both.

+ पुण्य-पाप मोक्ष के कारण -- अज्ञानी -
दंसण-णाण-चरित्तमउ जो णवि अप्पु मुणेइ ।
मोक्खहँ कारणु भणिवि जिय सो पर ताइँ करेइ ॥54॥

Meaning : He who does not know Darshana (belief), Jnana (knowledge) and Charitra (conduct), the causes of Moksha, as the Swarupa (real nature) of Atman makes a distinction between good and bad deeds.

+ अज्ञानी पुण्य-पाप को समान नहीं मानता -
जो णवि मण्णइ जीउ समु पुण्णु वि पाउ वि दोइ ।
सो चिरु दुक्खु सहंतु जिय मोहिं हिंडइ लोइ ॥55॥

Meaning : He who does not regard Punya (virtue or good deeds) and Papa (evil or bad deeds) as equal,-such a one being under the influence of Moha (ignorance or illusion) will wander in the Samsara for a long time and remain unhappy.

+ पाप का उदय भी भला -
वर जिय पावइँ सुंदरइँ णाणिय ताइँ भणंति ।
जीवहँ दुक्खइँ जणिवि लहु सिवमइँ जाइँ कुणंति ॥56॥

Meaning : The Sages have said that of the possible forms of evil those are welcome and good which, by their peculiar resultant pains, lead the soul to reflect on its destiny, hence direct its attention to the Moksha Marga.

+ पुण्य का उदय भी बुरा -
मं पुणु पुण्णइं भल्लाइँ णाणिय ताइँ भणंति ।
जीवहँ रज्जइँ देवि लहु दुक्खहँ जाइँ जणंति ॥57॥

Meaning : That kind of 'Punya (virtue) which having given the Jiva (soul) kingly pomp, etc., provides the circumstances of pain for him, is not good; so say the Jinani (Sages).

+ आत्मदर्शी का मरण भी शुभ और अज्ञानी का पुण्य करना भी अशुभ -
वर णिय-दंसण-अहिमुहउ मरणु वि जीव लहेसि ।
मा णिय-दंसण-विम्मुहउ पुण्णु वि जीव करेसि ॥58॥

Meaning : I prefer Samyak Darshana (true belief), even if it cause my death, but I do not like even to obtain Punya (good Karmas) with the aid of Mithiyatva (false belief).

+ आत्मदर्शी सुखी, अज्ञानी दुखी -
जे णिय - दंसण - अहिमुहा सोक्खु अणंतु लहंति ।
तिं विणु पुण्णु करंता वि दुक्खु अणंतु सहंति ॥59॥

Meaning : Those who are on the point of obtaining the Shuddha Atma-Darshana (pure belief in the true nature of soul) are undoubtedly to acquire the Ananta Sukha (infinite happiness) of Moksha ; while those who are without this true belief must, in spite of their virtuous deeds, bear infinite miseries, that is, wander about in this painful Samsara.

+ मोह उत्पन्न करे ऐसा पुण्य का उदय बुरा -
पुण्णेण होइ विहवो विहवेण मओ मएण मइ-मोहो ।
मइ-मोहेण य पावं ता पुण्णं अम्ह मा होउ ॥60॥

Meaning : By Punya (virtuous deeds accompanied with the desire of worldly happiness) one gains Vibhuti (worldly pomp and splendour); Vibhuti creates Garbha (pride); by Garbha is generated Murha-buddhi (foolishness or ignorance); and Murha-buddhi leads to bondage: may such a Punya keep away from me.

+ देव-शास्त्र-गुरु की भक्ति से पुण्य, मुक्ति नहीं -
देवहं सत्थहं मुणिवरहँ भत्तिए पुण्णु हवेइ ।
कम्म-क्खउ पुणु होइ णवि अज्जउ संति भणेइ ॥61॥

Meaning : By the Bhakti (devotion) of Deva (God), Guru (teacher) and Shastra (scripture) Punya-bandha (bondage of good Karma Prakritees) takes place, but it does not cause Moksha (emancipation from transmigration); great Sants (saints) have said so.

+ देव-शास्त्र-गुरु से द्वेष पापभाव -
देवहं सत्थहँ मुणिवरहँ जो विद्देसु करेइ ।
णियमेँ पाउ हवेइ तसु जेँ संसारु भमेइ ॥62॥

Meaning : One who entertains Dvesha (hatred or aversion) for the Deva (God), the Guru (teacher), and the Shastra (scripture), verily makes the bondage of Papa (bad or ovil Karma-Prakritees) on account of which he roams about in Samsara. By Papa (sinful thoughts, words and deeds) the Jiva (soul) obtains Narka (hell) and Tiryancha Gati (mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms); by Punya (virtue) it gets Deva Gati (type of celestial beings); by the mixture of both, it gets Manooshya Gata (human form); but by the Kshai (destruction) of both Punya and Papa (virtue and evil) it goes unto Moksha.

+ पाप से दुर्गति, पुण्य से सुगति, दोनों के ही नाश से मोक्ष -
पावेँ णारउ तिरिउ जिउ पुएणेँ अमरु वियाणु ।
मिस्सेँ माणुस-गइ लहइ दोहि वि खइ णिव्वाणु ॥63॥

+ ज्ञानी के लिए वंदना, निंदा, प्रायश्चित्त हेय -
वंदणु णिंदणु पडिकमणु पुण्णहँ कारणु जेण ।
करइ करावइ अणमणइ एक्कु वि णाणिण तेण ॥64॥

Meaning : Vandna (worship of God, Teacher and Scripture), Ninda (blaming one self and repentance for past sins) and Pratikramana, all these three are the causes of virtue; the Jnani (sage) does not perform any of them, nor does he make another perform them, nor does he praise them.

+ ज्ञानियों को ज्ञानमय भाव नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए -
वंदणु णिदणु पडिकमणु णाणिहिँ एहु ण जुत्तु ।
एक्कु जि मेल्लिवि णाणमउ सुद्धउ भाउ पवित्तु ॥65॥

Meaning : Excepting meditation on his Jnana-maee (embodiment of knowledge) and Shuddha (pure) Atman (soul), the sage who possesses pure thoughts does not do Vandana, Ninda and Pratik ramana.

+ शुद्ध-उपयोग बिना मुक्ति नहीं -
वंदउ णिंदउ पडिकमउ भाउ असुद्धउ जासु ।
पर तसु संजमु अत्थि णवि जं मण-सुद्धि ण तासु ॥66॥

Meaning : No one whose heart is full of Vandna, Ninda or Pratikramana can be endowed with Sanyama (control of the senses) without which Moksha is simply out of the question.

+ शुद्धोपयोग ही मुख्य -
सुद्धहँ संजमु सीलु तउ सुद्धहँ दंसणु णाणु ।
सुद्धहँ कम्मक्खउ हवइ सुद्धउ तेण पहाणु ॥67॥

Meaning : Absolute Sanyama (control of the senses and mercy for all living beings), pure Shila (character), true Darshana, perfect Jnana and the complete Kshai (destruction) of Karmas belong to Shuddha-Upyoga alone.

+ शुद्ध-उपयोग ही धर्म -
भाउ विसुद्धउ अप्पणउ धम्मु भणेविणु लेहु ।
चउ-गइ-दुक्खहँ जा धरइ जीउ पडंतउ एहु ॥68॥

Meaning : That which takes out a Jiva (soul) from the ocean of Chatur-gati-roop Dukha (misery and pain involved in the four forms or types of life), is one's own Vishuddha Bhava (pure, real nature) which is also called Dharma; hence this Vishuddha Bhava should be adopted.

+ शुद्ध-भाव बिना मुक्ति नहीं -
सिद्धिहिँ केरा पंथडा भाउ विसुद्धउ एक्कु ।
जो तसु भावहँ मुणि चलइ सो किम होइ विमुक्कु ॥69॥

Meaning : The way to Moksha (emancipation) lies in the Vishuddha Bhava fabsorption in the pure, real nature of Atman) alone; there is no other way, How can a Muni (saint) who falls down from that Bhava, attain to Moksha ?

+ चित्त की शुद्धि बिना सब करना व्यर्थ -
जहिँ भावइ तहिँ जाहि जिय जं भावइ करि तं जि ।
केम्वइ मोक्खुण अत्थि पर चित्तहँ सुद्धि ण जं जि ॥70॥

Meaning : One may go wherever it pleases him to go, he may do whatever he chooses to do; but without the purity of thoughts, he cannot obtain Moksha.

+ शुभ से धर्म, अशुभ पाप, शुद्ध अबन्धक -
सुह-परिणामेँ धम्मु पर असुहेँ होइ अहम्मु ।
दोहिँ वि एहिँ विवज्जियउ सुद्धु ण बंधइ कम्मु ॥71॥

Meaning : By means of the Shubha Parinamas (good thoughts), Dharma or Punya (good Karmas) accrues to the Jiva (soul), and by means of the Ashubha Parinamas (bad thoughts), Adharma or Papa (bad Karma Prakriti); but by becoming free from both these through pure spirituality no bondage of Karmas takes place.

+ दान से भोग, तप से इंद्रत्व, ज्ञान से मोक्ष -
दाणिं लब्भइ भोउ पर इंदत्तणु वि तवेण ।
जम्मण-मरण-विवज्जियउ पउ लब्भइ णाणेण ॥72॥

Meaning : By doing Dana (charity), one gets Bhogas (various enjoyments); by conquering one's senses or practising Tapa (asceticism), one becomes an Indra of Svaraga (heaven); but by means of Jnana (knowledge) one becomes free from births and deaths.

+ निसंदेह ज्ञान से ही मोक्ष, ज्ञान-रहित को संसार-भ्रमण -
देउ णिरंजणु इउँ भणइ णाणिं मुक्खु ण भंति ।
णाण-विहीणा जीवडा चिरु संसारु भमंति ॥73॥

Meaning : The Niramjana Deva (pure and perfect God) has said that the Jiva (soul) gets Moksha by Vitraga (dispassionate), Nirvikalapa (undisturbed, hence perfect) and Sva-Samvadana Jnana (knowledge); he who is devoid of such Jnana wanders about in the Samsara (the world or the transmigratory condition of soul) for long.

+ ज्ञान-रहित के मोक्ष नहीं -- उदाहरण -
णाण-विहीणहँ मोक्ख-पउ जीव म कासु वि जोइ ।
बहुएँ सलिल-विरोलियइँ करु चोप्पडउ ण होइ ॥74॥

Meaning : Without Jnana (knowledge) one does not get Moksha by any means ; one cannot get ghee from water, however much one might agitate it.

+ आत्म-बोध बिना ज्ञान और तप व्यर्थ -
जं णिय-बोहहँ बाहिरउ णाणु वि कज्जु ण तेण ।
दुक्खहँ कारणु जेण तउ जीवहँ होइ खणेण ॥75॥

Meaning : That Jnana (knowledge) which is devoid of the Baudha (understanding or realization) of one's Shuddha Atma (pure soul) is of no avail ; it conduces to Dukkha (misery or pain) of the soul.

+ आत्मज्ञानी के पर-द्रव्य में प्रीती नहीं -
तं णिय-णाणु जि होइ ण वि जेण पवड्ढइ राउ ।
दिणयर-किरणहँ पुरउ जिय किं विलसइ तम-राउ ॥76॥

Meaning : That which produces Raga (desire or love) and Dvesha (hatred) is not Jnana (true knowledge); as by the uprising of sun, darkness disappears, so by the manifestation of Jnana, Raga and Dvesha are destroyed.

+ आत्मज्ञानी को विषय-भोग में प्रीती क्यों नहीं? -
अप्पा मिल्लिवि णाणियहँ अण्णु ण सुंदरु वत्थु ।
तेण ण विसयहँ मणु रमइ जाणंतहँ परमत्थु ॥77॥

Meaning : To a Jnani (Sage) nothing other than A tma Swarup (pure, real nature of the soul) is pleasing, or agreeable ; those alone whose minds do not become fascinated by sensual enjoyment know the Parmartha (the highest goal).

+ आत्मज्ञान श्रेष्ठ -- उदाहरण -
अप्पा मिल्लिवि णाणमउ चित्ति ण लग्गइ अण्णु ।
मरगउ जेँ परियाणियउ तहुँ कच्चेँ कउ गण्णु ॥78॥

Meaning : The mind of a Sage does not feel delight in anything other than his Atman (self); one who knows the value of pearls does not run after glass-beads.

+ कर्म-फल में राग-द्वेष से संसार -
भुंजंतु वि णिय-कम्म-फ लु मोहइँ जो जि करेइ ।
भाउ असुंदरु सुंदरु वि सो पर कम्मु जणेइ ॥79॥

Meaning : He who has not left Raga (desire or attachment) for the fruits of Karmas, that is, who feels pleasure or pain while he tastes the fruits of his previous Karmas,--such a one makes the bondage of Karmas anew ; the ripening and fructification of previously accumulated Karmas is really their destruction, but he who feels happy or miserable at that time, enters into fresh bondage for the future.

+ कर्म-फल में राग-द्वेष रहित के निर्जरा -
भुंजंतु वि णिय-कम्म-फ लु जो तहिँ राउ ण जाइ ।
सो णवि बंधइ कम्मु पुणु संचिउ जेण विलाइ ॥80॥

Meaning : One who while he tastes the good or bad fruits of his previously acquired Karmas, does not entertain love and hatred, he does not make new bonds of Karmas and destroys the previously accumulated ones.

+ परमाणु-मात्र राग-द्वेष भी मुक्ति में बाधक -
जो अणु-मेत्तु वि राउ मणि जाम ण मिल्लइ एत्थु ।
सो णवि मुच्चइ ताम जिय जाणंतु वि परमत्थु ॥81॥

Meaning : He in whose mind even a tinge of Raga (attachment or desire for worldly or sensual pleasures) is left cannot free himself from the bondage of Karmas though he might know the Parmartha. NOTE.-The Jain teaching is that unless there is a unity of Samyak Darshana (right faith), Samyak Jnana (right knowledge) and Samyak Charitra (right conduct), there cannot be Moksha (salvation) to the soul. So the Acharya says here that if one possesses the knowledge of the Parmartha, i.e., of the real nature of the soul or God, in other words, the right knowledge, but has still got some desire for the worldly or sensual enjoyments, that is, he has not got the right conduct, he cannot obtain Moksha.

+ आत्म-ज्ञान बिना शास्त्र-ज्ञान और तप से मुक्ति नहीं -
बुज्झइ सत्थइँ तउ चरइ पर परमत्थु ण वेइ ।
ताव ण मुंचइ जाम णवि इहु परमत्थु मुणेइ ॥82॥

Meaning : One who understands the Shastras (scripture) and practises TapashCharan (asceticism) but who does not know the Parmartha, cannot destroy his Karmas, and, consequently, cannot obtain Moksha.

+ शास्त्र-पढ़ने का प्रयोजन विकल्प-रहितता -
सत्थु पढंतु वि होइ जडु जो ण हणेइ वियप्पु ।
देहि वसंतु वि णिम्मलउ णवि मण्णइ परमप्पु ॥83॥

Meaning : One who having read the Shastras, does not give up Vikalpa (unsteadiness of mind), is a fool and does not know the Nirmal (faultless) and Shuddha (pure) Parmatman who dwells in all souls.

+ शास्त्र-ज्ञान का प्रयोजन आत्म-ज्ञान -
बोह-णिमित्तेँ सत्थु किल लोइ पढिज्जइ इत्थु ।
तेण वि बोहु ण जासु वरु सो किं मूढु ण तत्थु ॥84॥

Meaning : The Shastras are read in order to gain Jnana (knowledge), but he who having read them does not acquire Atma-Jiana (spiritual knowledge) is a fool.

+ आत्म-ज्ञान बिना तीर्थ-भ्रमण से मुक्ति नहीं -
तित्थइँ तित्थु भमंताहँ मूढहँ मोक्खु ण होइ ।
णाण-विवज्जिउ जेण जिय मुणिवरु होइ ण सोइ ॥85॥

Meaning : A Mithya Drishti (one who does not possess the right faith) cannot get Moksha, even as one without Jonana (knowledge) cannot become a Muni (saint).

+ ज्ञानी और मिथ्यादृष्टि मुनि में भेद -
णाणिहिँ मूढहँ मुणिवरुहँ अंतरु होइ महंतु ।
देहु वि मिल्लइ णाणियउ जीवइँ भिण्णु मुणंतु ॥86॥

Meaning : There is a great difference between a Jnani (wise) and an Ajmani (ignorant) Muni ; the Jnani knows the Jiva (soul) as separate and distinct from the Deha (body) and wishes to abandon it (the body) even.

+ अज्ञानी धर्म के फल में संसार को चाहता है -
लेणहँ इच्छइ मूढु पर भुवणु वि एहु असेसु ।
बहु विह-धम्म-मिसेण जिय दोहिँ वि एहु विसेसु ॥87॥

Meaning : And one who is Ajnani, wishes, under the pretext of Dharma (virtue), to take in the whole world ; this is the difference between the two.

+ अज्ञानी शिष्य-पुस्तकादिक से हर्षित होता है -
चेल्ला-चेल्ली-पुत्थियहिँ तूसइ मूढु णिभंतु ।
एयहिँ लज्जइ णाणियउ बंधहँ हेउ मुणंतु ॥88॥

Meaning : No doubt, a foolish saint takes pleasure in his disciples and books, but a Jnani (saint) knows this kind of conduct to be a cause of bondage, and becomes ashamed of it.

+ अज्ञानी के ख्याति-लाभ-पूजा द्वारा संसार -
चट्टहिँ पट्टहिँ कुंडियहिँ चेल्ला-चेल्लियएहिँ ।
मोहु जणेविणु मुणिवरहँ उप्पहि पाडिय तेहिँ ॥89॥

Meaning : Pen, inkstand, paper, etc., and disciples--all these, if they create Moha (attachment) in the minds of saints, cause them to fall down from the path of progress.

+ द्रव्यलिंगी अपने-आप को ठगता है -
केण वि अप्पउ वंचियउ सिरु लुंचिवि छारेण ।
सयल वि संग ण परिहरिय जिणवर-लिंगधरेण ॥90॥

Meaning : He who pulls out his hair to become a Digambara (a saint who gives up even the last vestige of cloth), but does not give up Parigraha, that is, Raga and Dvesha, such a saint only deceives himself.

+ द्रव्यलिंगी छोड़कर फिर ग्रहण कर लेता है -
जे जिण-लिंगु धरेवि मुणि इट्ठ-परिग्गह लेंति ।
छद्दि करेविणु ते जि जिय सा पुणु छद्दि गिलंति ॥91॥

Meaning : The saint who having renounced the last strip of cloth and having given up all Parigraha again takes a thing which appears agreeable to him, eats his own vomit.

+ ख्याति-लाभ के लिए परमात्मा को छोड़ना तुच्छ-बुद्धि -
लाहहँ कित्तिहि कारणिण जे सिव-संगु चयंति ।
खीला-लग्गिवि ते वि मुणि देउलु देउ डहंति ॥92॥

Meaning : The saint who for the sake of Lobha (greed or profit) or Yashakirti (reputation) gives up the Shuddha Atma Dhyana (contemplation of the pure self) is like the man who for the sake of a nail pulls down a whole DevaMandira (place of worship).

+ मिथ्यादृष्टि परमार्थ से अनिभिज्ञ -
अप्पउ मण्णइ जो जि मुणि गुरुयउ गंथहि तत्थु ।
सो परमत्थे जिणु भणइ णवि बुज्झइ परमत्थु ॥93॥

Meaning : The (false) saint who thinks himself great simply by the acquisition of worldly possessions is devoid of the knowledge of Parmartha.(the highest. object); thus has the Jinendra Deva said on the Ideal.

+ परमार्थ से सभी जीव समान -
बुज्झंतहँ परमत्थु जिय गुरु लहु अत्थि ण कोइ ।
जीवा सयल वि बंभु परु जेण वियाणइ सोइ ॥94॥

Meaning : Those who know the Parmartha, say that there is no inequality among the souls; all Jivas (souls) are Par-Brahma.

+ परमार्थ से जीवों में शरीर-कृत भेद नहीं -
जो भत्तउ रयण-त्तयह तसु मुणि लक्खणु एउ ।
अच्छुउ कहिँ वि कुडिल्लियइ सो तसु करइ ण भेउ ॥95॥

Meaning : A saint who is devoted to the Ratan Traya (the three Jewels, that is, Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct) has this Lakshana (distinguishing feature) in himself that he does not make any distinction between soul and soul; no matter in whatever bodies they dwell, he regards them all as equal.

+ केवलज्ञानी तीन-लोक के जीवों को सामान देखते हैं -
जीवहँ तिहुयण-संठियहँ मूढा भेउ करंति ।
केवल-णाणिं णाणि फुडु सयलु वि एक्कु मुणंति ॥96॥

Meaning : Fools are they who make a distinction between the different souls living in the three worlds. The wise regard all the souls as possessed of the substratum of Jnana (knowledge) and, consequently, as belonging to one genus.

+ परमार्थ दृष्टि से जीव -
जीवा सयल वि णाण-मय जम्मण-मरण-विमुक्क ।
जीव-पएसहिँ सयल सम सयल वि सगुणहिँ एक्क ॥97॥

Meaning : All the souls are Jnana-Maee (having Jnana or knowledge as their essence), and are free from birth and death ; with reference to their Pradeshas (calculation of parts or size), they are like one another; they are of an equal status with reference to their Shuddha Gunas (pure attributes) also.

+ सभी जीव दर्शन-ज्ञानमयी -
जीवहँ लक्खणु जिणवरहि भासिउ दंसण-णाणु ।
तेण ण किज्जइ भेउ तहँ जइ मणि जाउ विहाणु ॥98॥

Meaning : Shri Jina Deva has described Darshana (perception or faith) and Jnana (knowledge) as the Lakshana (distinguishing attribute) of the Jiva (soul); he whose mind is illumined by wisdom makes no distinction between soul and soul.

+ शुद्ध-जानने वाले जीवों में भेद नहीं करते -
बंभहँ भुवणि वसंताहँ जे णवि भेउ करंति ।
ते परमप्प-पयासयर जोइय विमलु मुणंति ॥99॥

Meaning : Those Yogins who manifest Parmatman in themselves, make no distinction between the Parma-Brahma-Swarupa Atmas dwelling in the three Lokas (worlds), and recognise them all as Nirmala (free from the dirt of Karmas) and Shuddha (pure).

+ जो साधु जीवों को सामान देखते हैं वे मुक्त होते हैं -
राय-दोस बे परिहरिवि जे सम जीव णियंति ।
ते सम-भावि परिट्ठिया लहु णिव्वाणु लहंति ॥100॥

Meaning : Those saints who have abandoned Vipareeta Bhavas (adverse thoughts), such as Raga (dezire or attachment) and Dvesha (hatred), know all souls as equal, become established in Sambhava (calmness or tranquillity) and soon attain to Nirvana.

+ सभी जीवों का निज-लक्षण दर्शन और ज्ञान -
जीवहँ दंसणु णाणु जिय लक्खणु जाणइ जो जि ।
देह-विभेएँ भेउ तहँ णाणि कि मण्णइ सो जि ॥101॥

Meaning : One who knows that Darshana (the power of seeing) and Jnana (the power of knowing) are the Lakshana (distinguishing attributes) of souls, cannot, by seeing differences only in their bodies, make any distinction between them.

+ शरीरों के भेद से जीवों में भेद देखना मिथ्यादृष्टि -
देह-विभेयइँ जो कुणइ जीवइँ भेउ विचित्तु ।
सो णवि लक्खणु मुणइ तहँ दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु ॥102॥

Meaning : Those who seeing differencez in the bodies, make a distinction between souls also, do not know the A.tman which in essence is Darshan (right beliei), Jnana (right knowledge), and Charitra (right conduct).

+ शारीरिक अवस्था कर्म-कृत -
अंगइँ सुहुमइँ बादरइँ विहिवसिँ होंति जे बाल ।
जिय पुणु सयल वि तित्तडा सव्वत्थ वि सयकाल ॥103॥

Meaning : The difference of bodies--big or small, youthful or decrepit, --is owing to the effect of Karmas; but from the Nischaya (real) point of view all souls ever and everywhere are the same.

+ शत्रु-मित्र, अपने-पराए में एकपना करना सम्यग्दर्शन -
सत्तु वि मित्तु वि अप्पु परु जीव असेसु विएइ ।
एक्कु करेविणु जो मुणइ सो अप्पा जाणेइ ॥104॥

Meaning : He in whose eyes Shatru (enemy), Mitra (friend), Appa (one's own self) Para (others), and all other souls are equal, is the knower of Atman (true self).

+ समभाव संसार-समुद्र के लिए नाव के समान -
जो णवि मण्णइ जीव जिय सयल वि एक्क-सहाव ।
तासु ण थक्कइ भाउ समु भव-सायरि जो णाव ॥105॥

Meaning : He who does not believe all the souls as Ektyabhava-Roopa (having the same essential nature), does not attain to Sambhava (tranquillity). Sambhava is like a boat made to cross the ocean of Samsara (world, or succession of births and deaths) with.

+ जीवों में भेद करने वाला कर्म जीव नहीं -
जीवहँ भेउ जि कम्म-किउ कम्मु वि जीउ ण होइ ।
जेण विभिण्णउ होइ तहँ कालु लहेविणु कोइ ॥106॥

Meaning : The variety which is found among the Jivas (souls) is caused by their Karmas, but the Karmas do not become the Jiva (soul), because at the proper time they become separated from it.

+ ब्राह्मणादि वर्ण-भेद भी मत कर -
एक्कु करे मण बिण्णि करि मं करि वण्णविसेसु ।
इक्कइँ देवइँ जेँ वसह तिहुयणु एहु असेसु ॥107॥

Meaning : Regard all the Jivas as alike ; do not make any distinction between them; as is the Deva (God) or pure Atman, so are all other souls in the three worlds.

+ आत्मज्ञ पर-द्रव्य के सम्बन्ध को छोड़ देते हैं -
परु जाणंतु वि परम-मुणि पर-संसग्गु चयंति ।
पर-संगइँ परमप्पयहँ लक्खहँ जेण चलंति ॥108॥

Meaning : The Param-Munis (the Highest Saints) knowing the Para-Vastu (not-self) as separate from their self, give up its Sansarga (association or company), because by the association of the not-self one experiences a fall from the Shuddha Atma Dhyana (pure contemplation of self).

+ जिनके समभाव नहीं उनका संग मत कर -
जो सम-भावहँ बाहिरउ तिं सहुं मं करि संगु ।
चिंता-सायरि पडहि पर अण्णु वि डज्झइ अंगु ॥109॥

Meaning : Thou shouldst not associate with one who is devoid of Sambhava (tranquillity), because his society will throw thee into the ocean of anxiety and will burn thy body through uneasiness.

+ कुसंग से दुःख का उदाहरण -
भल्लाहँ वि णासंति गुण जहँ संसग्ग खलेहिं ।
वइसाणरु लोहहँ मिलिउ तें पिट्टियइ घणेहिं ॥110॥

Meaning : Uttama Gunas (superior qualities) are destroyed by the company of evil persons; as owing to the association of iron, fire is also beaten by hammer.

+ भिक्षा में स्वादयुक्त आहार की इच्छा मत कर -
काऊण णग्गरूवं बीभस्सं दड्ढ-मडय-सारिच्छं ।
अहिलससि किं ण लज्जसि भिक्खाए भोयणं मिट्ठं ॥111-अ॥

+ भोजन की लोलुपता को त्याग -
जइ इच्छसि भो साहू बारह-विह-तवहलं महा-विउलं ।
तो मण-वयणे काए भोयण-गिद्धी विवज्जेसु ॥111-ब॥

+ मुनि भोजन में गृद्धता न करे -
जे सरसिं संतुट्ठ-मण विरसि कसाउ वहंति ।
ते मुणि भोयण-घार गणि णवि परमत्थु मुणंति ॥111-स॥

Meaning : Those Munis (saints) who love savoury food and are averse to unsavoury dishes, are gluttons ; they do not know the Parmartha (the Ideal).

+ मोह दुख का कारण देख और छोड़ -
जोइय मोहु परिच्चयहि मोहु ण भल्लउ होइ ।
मोहासत्तउ सयलु जगु दुक्खु सहंतउ जोइ ॥111॥

Meaning : Moha (illusion or infatuation) ought to be abandoned ; in no way is it desirable. The whole world is suffering from pain on account of Moha.

+ इन्द्रिय-विषयों को त्याग -
रूवि पयंगा सद्दि मय गय फासहिँ णासंति ।
अलिउल गंधइँ मच्छ रसि किम अणुराउ करंति ॥112॥

Meaning : The moth, the deer, the elephant, the beetle, and the fish being fascinated, respectively, by the colour of the candle's flame, the sweet song of the hunter, the agreeable sensations of touch, smell and taste, are destroyed. Nork. In this Gata the Acharya lays stress on the harmful nature of sense-gratification. The moth is drawn to destruction by the flame, the deer by the song, and so forth. When the gratification of a single sense has such fatal consequences, what must be the plight of man who seeks enjoyment through all the five senses ?

+ लोभ को दुःख का करण देख और त्याग -
जोइय लोहु परिच्चयहि लोहु ण भल्लउ होइ ।
लोहासत्तउ सयलु जगु दुक्खु सहंतउ जोइ ॥113॥

Meaning : Give up covetousness; it is not desirable. The whole world is involved in misery on account of covetousness.

+ उदाहरण -
तलि अहिरणि वरि घण-वडणु संडस्सय-लुंचोडु ।
लोहहँ लग्गिवि हुयवहहँ पिक्खु पडंतउ तोडु ॥114॥

Meaning : Being associated with iron, that is, by the covetousness for iron even fire may be said to attain to a miserable plight-it is put upon an anvil, is beaten from above with a hammer, is caught in the middle by pincers, and is torn to pieces (in the shape of sparks).

+ स्नेह को दुःख का कारण देख और त्याग -
जोइय णेहु परिच्चयहि णेहु ण भल्लउ होइ ।
णेहासत्तउ सयलु जगु दुक्खु सहंतउ जोइ ॥115॥

Meaning : Give up attachment; it is of no good. All the pain in the three worlds is due to attachment.

+ उदाहरण -
जल-सिंचणु पय-णिद्दलणु पुणु पुणु पीलण-दुक्खु ।
णेहहँ लग्गिवि तिल-णियरु जंति सहंतउ पिक्खु ॥116॥

Meaning : On account of its love for oil sesamum has to bear much pain,-it is put under water, is trampled under foot and is repeatedly crushed in the oil-press. Note.--This Gatha furnishes another illustration of the principle laid down before, and the lesson taught by the Acharya is, that as love, i.e., attachment or desire, for the not-self is aght with pain and hardship, one should not allow it to deprive him of his Syabhayic bliss which is infinite, unabating and eternal.

+ जो विषयों में आसक्त नहीं, वे धन्य -
ते चिय धण्णा ते चिय सप्पुरिसा ते जियंतु जिय-लोए ।
वोद्दह-दहम्मि पडिया तरंति जे चेव लीलाए ॥117॥

Meaning : Glory to those brave persons who, having fallen into the Draha (river, tank or lake) of youth, joyfully swim across it ; they alone may be said to be living; in this world of Jivas (the universe) they are good men. NOTE. -The meaning is that those persons who though young are not fascinated by sensual pleasures and who having adopted the three jewels, that is, Right Belief, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct, pass through the temptations and trials of youth (which is a dangerous period of life) with cheerful tess. Such persons, the Acharya says, deserve the highest praise.

+ जिनेश्वरदेव ने भी राज्य-वैभव छोड़कर मोक्ष को साधा -
मोक्खु जि साहिउ जिणवरहिँ छंडिवि बहु-विहु रज्जु ।
भिक्ख-भरोडा जीव तुहुँ करहि ण अप्पउ कज्जु ॥118॥

Meaning : Shri Jinendra Bhagwan left all the pomp and glory of the earthly kings to obtain Moksha (emancipation), but thou who fillest thy stomach by begging makest no effort to obtain Moksha.

+ संसार में सिर्फ दुःख, मोक्ष को जा । -
पावहि दुक्खु महंतु तुहँ जिय संसारि भमंतु ।
अट्ठ वि कम्मइँ णिद्दलिवि वच्चहि मुक्खु महंतु ॥119॥

Meaning : By wandering about in the Samsara, thou hast suffered all sorts of terrible pains and miseries; thou shouldst now destroy the eight kinds of Karmas, to obtain the Parma-Pada (highest status), that is, Moksha.

+ दुःख-रुपी कर्म को मत कर -
जिय अणु-मित्तु वि दुक्खडा सहण ण सक्कहि जोइ ।
चउ-गइ-दुक्खहँ कारणइँ कम्मइँ कुणहि किं तोइ ॥120॥

Meaning : When thou canst not bear the slightest pain, why dost thou engender Karmas which are the causes of all the suffering of the four Gatis (kinds of living beings). NOTE.-The meaning is that if you wish not to suffer even the slightest pain, you should cease to entertain Raga and Dyesha which create the bondage of Karmas.

+ अज्ञानी कर्मों को करता है -
धंधइ पडियउ सयलु जगु कम्मइँ करइ अयाणु ।
मोक्खहँ कारणु एक्कु खणु णवि चिंतइ अप्पाणु ॥121॥

Meaning : The foolish Jiva by becoming entangled in the turmoils of Samsara, only tightens the bonds of Karmas, but does not meditate on his pure self, the immediate cause of Moksha, even for a moment.

+ ज्ञान-रहित जीव दुखी -
जोणि-लक्खइँ परिभमइ अप्पा दुक्खु सहंतु ।
पुत्त-कलत्तहिँ मोहियउ जाव ण णाणु महंतु ॥122॥

Meaning : He who does not understand his own pure self, continues, while overpowered by pains and miseries, to pass through the succession of births and deaths ; he whose mind has not been illumined by Jnana (knowledge) remains bound with attachment for wife and children, that is, he cannot know his Atma.

+ संयोग कर्माधीन और विनाशीक -
जीव म जाणहि अप्पणउँ घरु परियणु तणु इट्ठु ।
कम्मायत्तउ कारिमउ आगमि जोइहिँ दिट्ठु ॥123॥

Meaning : O Soul! Do not regard thy house, family, relations, body, or friends as thy own; they are merely the product of thy Karmas ; Saints having Shastras (scriptures) for their eyes have perceived them thus.

+ निश्चिन्त होकर तप कर -
मुक्खु ण पावहि जीव तुहुँ घरु परियणु चिंतंतु ।
तो वरि चिंतहि तउ जि तउ पावहि मोक्खु महंत्तु ॥124॥

Meaning : O Soul ! By thinking of thy house, relations, and the like, thou canst not get Moksha; therefore apply thy mind to Tapa (asceticism), so that thou mayst obtain Moksha.

+ पाप के फल को अकेले ही भोगना होगा -
मारिवि जीवहँ लक्खडा जं जिय पाउ करीसि ।
पुत्त-कलत्तहँ कारणइँ तं तुहुँ एक्कु सहीसि ॥125॥

Meaning : For the sake of sons and other members of thy family thou killest millions of Jivas (living beings) and createst sinful Karmas in thy self: know that thou alone shalt have to bear the consequences of thy evil Karmas.

+ पाप का फल अनन्त गुणा -
मारिवि चूरिवि जीवडा जं तुहुँ दुक्खु करीसि ।
तं तह पासि अणंत-गुणु अवसइँ जीव लहीसि ॥126॥

Meaning : O Soul ! By killing and crushing thou causest pain to living beings : verily thou thyself shalt have to suffer infinite-fold more pain.

+ जीवों को अभयदान दे -
जीव वहंतहँ णरय-गइ अभय-पदाणेँ सग्गु ।
बे पह जवला दरिसिया जहिँ रुच्चइ तहिँ लग्गु ॥127॥

Meaning : By Himsa (killing or injuring) of Jivas (living beings) one falls into Narka (hell), and by the Abhaya Dana (the gift of fearlessness, i.e., the giving of protection, hence, non-injuring) one goes to Svaraga (heaven); both the paths lie open before thy eyes, choose whichever thou thinkest to be the best for thee.

+ कर्म-कृत को भ्रम जानकर छोड़ -
मूढा सयलु वि कारिमउ भुल्लउ मं तुस कंडि ।
सिव-पहि णिम्मलि करहि रइ घरु परियणु लहु छंडि ॥128॥

Meaning : O fool! Thou art mistaken as to the nature of acts ; do not amass husk, attach thyself to thy Nirmala Shiva-Pada (pure Parmatma Swarupa) and give up thy house, family, relations, and the like.

+ शरीर भी कर्म-कृत -
जोइय सयलु वि कारिमउ णिक्कारिमउ ण कोइ ।
जीविं जंतिं कुडि ण गय इहु पडिछंदा जोइ ॥129॥

Meaning : None of the objects and actions of the world is unperishing, or eternal; even one's body does not go with one on death.

+ सभी संयोग नष्ट हो जाएँगे -
देउलु देउ वि सत्थु गुरु तित्थु वि वेउ वि कव्वु ।
वच्छु जु दीसइ कुसुमियउ इंधणु होसइ सव्वु ॥130॥

Meaning : Temples, images, teachers, places of pilgrimage, religious books, fruits, flowers, and all else that are to be seen in the world, will sooner or later turn to ashes ; none of them is imperishable, or eternal.

+ एक शुद्धात्मा को छोड़कर सब-कुछ विनाशीक -
एक्कु जि मेल्लिवि बंभु परु भुवणु वि एहु असेसु ।
पुहविहिँ णिम्मउ भंगुरउ एहउ बुज्झि विसेसु ॥131॥

Meaning : Except the one Parama-Brahma, all the states and conditions which are seen in the world are perishable ; know it to be so.

+ धन-यौवन विनाशीक, धर्म कर -
जे दिट्ठा सूरुग्गमणि ते अत्थवणि ण दिट्ठ ।
तेँ कारणिं वढ धम्मु करि धणि जोव्वणि कउ तिट्ठ ॥132॥

Meaning : The light which is seen at sun-rise disappears at sun-set, therefore thou shouldst follow the Great Dharma. There is nothing really valuable in wealth and youth.

+ शरीर को तप में लगा -
धम्मु ण संचिउ तउ ण किउ रुक्खेँ चम्ममएण ।
खज्जिवि जर-उद्देहियए णरइ पडिव्वउ तेण ॥133॥

Meaning : He who has not amassed Dharma and has not practised Tapas (asceticism) is like a tree (He., his being born as man is useless); he eats the Abhaksha (unclean things, such as meat, wine, etc.), lives wantonly and descends into. hell.

+ कुटुम्बी-जन संसार का कारण -
अरि जिय जिण-पइ भत्ति करि सुहि सज्जणु अवहेरि ।
तिं बप्पेण वि कज्जु णवि जो पाडइ संसारि ॥134॥

Meaning : O Soul ! Devote thyself to the feet of the Sarvajna, Vitaraga Deva, and do not indulge in attachment for friends, relations, etc., because these friends, relations, etc., will not give you anything worth having, they will certainly drown you in Samsara.

+ मनुष्य जन्म पाकर तप करना चाहिए -
जेण ण चिण्णउ तव-यरणु णिम्मलु चित्तु करेवि ।
अप्पा वंचिउ तेण पर माणुस-जम्मु लहेवि ॥135॥

Meaning : He who does not practise Tapash-Charan (asceticism) with puremind,-such a one, although born as a human being, only cheats himself.

+ इन्द्रियों को वश में कर -
ए पंचिंदिय-करहडा जिय मोक्कला म चारि ।
चरिवि असेसु वि विसय-वणु पुणु पाडहिँ संसारि ॥136॥

Meaning : O Soul ! Do not graze the camels of thy five senses uncontrolled, or else thy five senses having enjoyed their Vishaya (objects) will hurl thee down into Samsara.

+ इन्द्रिय विजयी ही ध्यानी -
सो जोइउ जो जोगवइ दंसणु णाणु चरित्तु ।
होयवि पंचहँ बाहिरउ झायंतउ परमत्थु ॥137-अ॥

+ मन को इन्द्रियों के विषयों में जाने से रोक -
जोइय विसमी जोय-गइ मणु संठवण ण जाइ ।
इंदिय-विसय जि सुक्खडा तित्थु जि वलि वलि जाइ ॥137॥

Meaning : O Yogin ! Difficult is the path of Yoga, the mind can not be controlled with ease; it runs after the pleasures of senses.

+ विषय-सुख में रमणता दुख का कारण -
विसय-सुहइँ बे दिवहडा पुणु दुक्खहँ परिवाडि ।
भुल्लउ जीव म वाहि तुहुँ अप्पण खंधि कुहाडि ॥138॥

Meaning : To enjoy the sensual pleasures is to feed the family of pain. O foolish soul !' do not thyself strike thy shoulder with an axe.

+ विषय-भोग के त्यागी धन्य -
संता विसय जु परिहरइ बलि किज्जउँ हउँ तासु ।
सो दइवेण जि मुंडियउ सीसु खडिल्लउ जासु ॥139॥

Meaning : Those saints who give up sensual pleasurez deserve encomium; one who is bald, deserves no credit for having his head shaved.

+ मन इन्द्रियों का स्वामी -
पंचहँ णायकु वसिकरहु जेण होंति वसि अण्ण ।
मूल विणट्ठइ तरु-वरहँ अवसइँ सुक्कहिं पण्ण ॥140॥

Meaning : Conquer the king of the five senses, that is, Manas (mind). By conquering it, all the five senses are conquered, as by cutting off the root of a tree, the whole tree becomes dried up.

+ जीतेंद्रिय होकर शुद्धात्मा का अनुभव कर -
विसयासत्तउ जीव तुहुँ कित्तिउ कालु गमीसि ।
सिव-संगमु करि णिच्चलउ अवसइँ मुक्खु लहीसि ॥141॥

Meaning : O Soul ! Being fascinated with the enjoyment of sensual pleasures, how long wilt thou roam about in Samsara ? Now having become Nischaya (calm and steady), a33ociate thyself with Shiva (i.e., concentrate thy mind upon the pure - nature of thy Atman), so that thou shouldst necessarily obtain Moksha..

+ आत्म-ज्ञान बिना दुःख -
इहु सिव-संगमु परिहरिवि गुरुवड कहिँ वि म जाहि ।
जे सिव-संगमि लीण णवि दुक्खु सहंता वाहि ॥142॥

Meaning : O disciple ! Do not give up the association of thy own Pure Atman to pursue sense-gratification; those who do not associate themselves with. their Aumans are subject to nothing but pain.

+ आज तक सम्यक्त्व नहीं ग्रहण किया -
कालु अणाइ अणाइ जिउ भव-सायरु वि अणंतु ।
जीविं बिण्णि ण पत्ताइँ जिणु सामिउ सम्मत्तु ॥143॥

Meaning : Kala (time) is from eternity ; Jiva (soul) is also from eternity ; and the Samsara-Sagara:(ocean of transmigratory: condition of souls) is also eternal ; but godhood and Samyak tava (perfection or wholeness) can be found nowhere eise but in the Jiva (soul), that is, these are the special attributes of Jivas alone.

+ घर-वास पाप वास है -
घर-वासउ मा जाणि जिय दुक्किय-वासउ एहु ।
पासु कयंतेँ मंडियउ अविचलु णिस्संदेहु ॥144॥

Meaning : Do not regard' thy household, s.e., wife, children, etc., except as a gallows ere:ted for th22 to be hanged upon ; therefore it is desirable that thou. shouldst give them up.

+ पर में ममत्व मत कर -
देहु वि जित्थु ण अप्पणउ तहिँ अप्पणउ किं अण्णु ।
पर-कारणि मण गुरुव तुहुँ सिव-संगमु अवगण्णु ॥145॥

Meaning : When even one's body is not one's own, how can other objects become his? Therefore do not disregard, for the sake of others, Shiva. Sangama (association of Shiva or meditation on the pure nature of soul).

+ शुद्धात्मा को छोड़ कुछ और भावना मत कर -
करि सिव-संगमु एक्कु पर जहिँ पाविज्जइ सुक्खु ।
जोइय अण्णु म चिंति तुहुँ जेण ण लब्भइ मुक्खु ॥146॥

Meaning : Meditate on the pure nature of thy soul alone, so that thou mightst obtain Bliss ; thou shouldst not think of anything else, because by thinking of other objects, thou wilt not obtain Moksha.

+ शरीर असार है -
बलि किउ माणुस-जम्मडा देक्खंतहँ पर सारु ।
जइ उट्ठब्भइ तो कुहइ अह डज्झइ तो छारु ॥147॥

Meaning : What a wonderful thing is the body of man? In appearance, it looks very beautiful, but if its skin be taken off, it will look very loathsome; fire reduces it to ashes at once.

+ शरीर अशुचि है -
उव्वलि चोप्पडि चिट्ठ करि देहि सु-मिट्ठाहार ।
देहहँ सयल णिरत्थ गय जिमु दुज्जणि उवयार ॥148॥

Meaning : Washing the body, applying oil and cosmetics, etc., to it, and nourishing it with relishable food, -all these are useless; just as it is sinful to help a man of evil motive.

+ अशुचि शरीर से प्रीति मत कर -
जेहउ जज्जरु णरय-घरु तेहउ जोइय काउ ।
णरइ णिरंतरु पूरियउ किम किज्जइ अणुराउ ॥149॥

Meaning : As a vessel of ilth, with holes in it, always passes filth through those holes, so does the body ever pass filth and urine through its holes,-how should such a body be loved ?

+ शरीर पाप, दुःख और अशुचि से निर्मित -
दुक्खइँ पावइँ असुचियइँ तिहुयणि सयलइँ लेवि ।
एयहिँ देहु विणिम्मियउ विहिणा वइरु मुणेवि ॥150॥

Meaning : Karmas, being enemies of Jiva (soul), have collected the material of pain and sin and impurity and made a body for it.

+ देह से नहीं धर्म से प्रीति कर -
जोइय देहु घिणावणउ लज्जहि किं ण रमंतु ।
णाणिय धम्में रइ करहि अप्पा विमलु करंतु ॥151॥

Meaning : O wise soul ! Be ashamed of loving such a loathsome body ; why dost thou take delight in it; give up its attachment and perform Dharma to purify thy self.

+ आत्मा को ज्ञानादि गुणमय देख -
जोइय देहु परिच्चयहि देहु ण भल्लउ होइ ।
देह-विभिण्णउ णाणमउ सो तुहुँ अप्पा जोइ ॥152॥

Meaning : Renounce the attachment of thy body; it is not good; thy Jnana-Maee Atman is Bhinna (distinct) from this body; seek for that very Atman in thy self.

+ देह दुःख का कारण अत: ममत्व त्याग -
दुक्खहँ कारणु मुणिवि मणि देहु वि एहु चयंति ।
जित्थु ण पावहिँ परम-सुहु तित्थु कि संत वसंति ॥153॥

Meaning : Saints knowing the body to be the cause of pain, give up its attachment. How can the wise love that which does not conduce to Parama-Sukha (bliss of Moksha).

+ इन्द्रियाधीन सुख की जगह आत्माधीन सुख को देख -
अप्पायत्तउ जं जि सुहु तेण जि करि संतोसु ।
पर सुहु वढ चिंतंताहँ हियइ ण फि ट्टइ सोसु ॥154॥

Meaning : O soul ! Be contented in the Ati-Indriya Sukha (happiness independent of senses produced by Atmic Svabhava (pure nature of soul) without the help of any foreign element. Happiness produced by foreign elements or by other than self, does not extinguish desire.

+ ज्ञान को छोड़कर कुछ भी आत्मा नहीं -
अप्पहँ णाणु परिच्चयवि अण्णु ण अत्थि सहाउ ।
इउ जाणेविणु जोइयहु परहँ म बंधउ राउ ॥155॥

Meaning : Self is Jnan Svabhava (knowledge or consciousness by nature); its Svabhava (real nature) is none other than this. Having known it, O Yogin! do not entertain Raga (love, desire or attachment) for anything else.

+ स्थिर चित्त द्वारा आत्मा प्रत्यक्ष -
विसय-कसायहिँ मण-सलिलु णवि डहुलिज्जइ जासु ।
अप्पा णिम्मलु होइ लहु वढ पच्चक्खु वि तासु ॥156॥

Meaning : One whose mind does not wander among Vishaya Kashaya (sensual pleasures, passions and desires), sees, through the eyes of Samyaktva (right belief), his Shuddha Atman (the true, or pure self) directly.

+ योग द्वारा मन को वश में कर -
अप्पा परहँ ण मेलविउ मणु मारिवि सहस त्ति ।
सो वढ जाएँ किं करइ जासु ण एही सत्ति ॥157॥

Meaning : By becoming a Yogi, what will he gain who cannot abstain from attaching his soul to Para-Padartha (foreign substances or things), or he who cannot control his mind by concentration ?

+ आत्म-ध्यान द्वारा ही केवलज्ञान -
अप्पा मेल्लिवि णाणमउ अण्णु जे झायहिँ झाणु ।
वढ अण्णाण-वियंभियहँ कउ तहँ केवल-णाणु ॥158॥

Meaning : He who baving left his Nija Shuddha Atman (own, pure self) consisting in infinite knowledge, etc., contemplates upon other objects, cannot obtain Kewala Jnana (pure, perfect knowledge).

+ विकल्प-रहित होकर आत्म-ध्यान करने वाले धन्य -
सुण्णउँ पउँ झायंताहँ वलि वलि जोइयडाहँ ।
समरसि-भाउ परेण सहु पुण्णु वि पाउ ण जाहँ ॥159॥

Meaning : I highly praise those Yogins who are free from Punya (virtue or good deeds) and Papa (evil or bad deeds) and who purging their minds of Shubha (good) and Ashubha (bad) thoughts contemplate upon their Shuddha Atman (pure self).

+ समूल परिवर्तित, पुण्य-पाप से रहित धन्य -
उव्वस वसिया जो करइ वसिया करइ जु सुण्णु ।
बलि किज्जउँ तसु जोइयहिँ जासु ण पाउ ण पुण्णु ॥160॥

Meaning : I highly respect that Yogin who populates the depopulated and depspulates the populated and who has got neither Punya (virtue) nor Papa (evil).

+ प्रभाकर भट्ट द्वारा निवेदन -
तुट्टइ मोहु तडित्ति जहिँ मणु अत्थवणहँ जाइ ।
सो सामइ उवएसु कहि अण्णेँ देविं काइँ ॥161॥

Meaning : O Master ! Pray give me such advice as may speedily destroy Moha (attachment or infatuation) and make the mind steady. What purpose can be served by gods, etc. ?

+ योग द्वारा ध्यान -
णास-विणिग्गउ सासडा अंबरि जेत्थु विलाइ ।
तुट्टइ मोहु तडत्ति तहिँ मणु अत्थवणहँ जाइ ॥162॥

Meaning : Moha is soon destroyed, and the mind made steady, by that meditation in which the breath which issues from the nose begins to issue from the tenth door or hole of the body which is situated in the palate and is equal to one-eighth part of an hair.

+ परम-समाधि -
मोहु विलिज्जइ मणु मरइ तुट्टइ सासु-णिसासु ।
केवल-णाणु वि परिणमइ अंबरि जाहँ णिवासु ॥163॥

Meaning : When a man lives in his pure self (that is, becomez absorbed in the meditation of his pure Atman), his Moha is extirpated, his mind is killed (becomes steady), and breath stopped (that is, his breath issuing from the nostrils begins to issue from the palatal hole at intervals). Such a one gets Kewala Jnana (fuil and pure knowledge) and goes unto Nirvana.

+ निर्विकल्प समाधि द्वारा मोह टूटता है -
जो आयासइ मणु धरइ लोयालोय-पमाणु ।
तुट्टइ मोहु तडत्ति तसु पावइ परहँ पवाणु ॥164॥

Meaning : One who in his mind thinks of Atman as equal, like Akasha, to Lokaloka, has his Moha soon destroyed and attains to the Parama-Pada (highest status).

+ प्रभाकर भट्ट द्वारा विनती -
देहि वसंतु वि णवि मुणिउ अप्पा देउ अणंतु ।
अंबरि समरसि मणु धरिवि सामिय णट्ठु णिभंतु ॥165॥

Meaning : O master! I have wasted my time in vain, and have not known the Atman possessing infinite attributes and powers dwelling in my own body; I have not adopted Akasa-like Samabhava (tranquillity).

+ परमार्थ मार्ग -
सयल वि संग ण मिल्लिया णवि किउ उवसम-भाऊ ।
सिव-पय-मग्गु वि मुणिउ णवि जहिं जोइहिँ अणुराउ ॥166॥
घोरु ण चिण्णउ तव-चरणु जं णिय-बोहहं सारु ।
पुण्णु वि पाउ वि दड्ढु णवि किमु छिज्जइ संसारु ॥167॥

Meaning : I have not given up Parigraha of different kindz, nor adopted Upsam-Bhava (that is, I have not renounced attachment to worldly objects and conditions); I have not known Moksha (emancipation) or the Moksha-Marga (the path of emancipation) which are dear to Yogins; nor have I practised - asceticism of which the Chinha (conspicuous sign) is to conquer the most arduous pains and which is the road to Moksha; neither have I risen above Punya (virtue) and Papa (evil) : how then can I hope to escape from transmigration ? Note.--In these two gathas also Prabhakara Bhatta regrets his indolence for not doing the things requisite for obtaining Moksha.

+ व्यवहार मोक्षमार्ग -
दाणु ण दिण्णउ मुणिवरहँ ण वि पुज्जिउ जिण-णाहु ।
पंच ण वंदिय परम-गुरू किमु होसइं सिव-लाहु ॥168॥

Meaning : How will Moksha be obtained by him who has not given Dana to Munis (saints), nor worshipped Shri Jinendra Deva, nor paid homage to the Pancha-Parmeshti?

+ अकेले बाह्य-योग दारा सिद्धि नहीं -
अद्धुम्मीलिय-लोयणिहिँ जोउ कि झंपियएहिँ ।
एमुइ लव्भइ परम-गइ णिच्चिंतिं ठियएहिँ ॥169॥

Meaning : The Parama-Pada (highest status, that is, Moksha) cannot be obtained by keeping one's eyes half opened or wholly shut. It can be obtained only by removing the unsteadiness of mind.

+ चिंता-मुक्त हुए बिना संसार भरमान नहीं छूटता -
जोइय मिल्लहि चिन्त जइ तो तुट्टइ संसारु ।
चिंतासत्तउ जिणवरु वि लहइ ण हंसाचारु ॥170॥

Meaning : If thou wilt give up Chinta (unsteadiness or uneasiness of mind), thy transmigration will come to an end ; the Jinendra Bhagwan also, so-long as he was associated with Chinta could not obtain his Atma-Swarupa (true self).

+ मन को मारकर परब्रह्म का ध्यान करो -
जोइय दुम्मइ कवुण तुहँ भवकारणि ववहारि ।
बंभु पवंचहिँ जो रहिउ सो जाणिवि मणु मारि ॥171॥

Meaning : O soul! What foolishness has entered thy head that thou engagest thyself in Vyavahara (good and bad actions, etc.) which is the cause of SamsaraParibrahmana (transmigratory condition); know thy Shuddha Atman which is devoid of all Pra-Pancha (worldly turmoils) and is described by the word Brahma, and make thy mind steady.

+ सब विषयों को छोड़कर आत्मदेव को ध्यावो -
सव्वहिँ रायहिँ छहिँ रसहिँ पंचहिँ रूवहिँ जंतु ।
चित्तु णिवारिवि झाहि तुहुँ अप्पा देउ अणंतु ॥172॥

Meaning : Removing from thy mind all kinds of Raga (attachment or desire), six kinds of tastes, and five kinds of colours, meditate upon thy Atman, which is Ananta Deva (Infinite God).

+ आत्मा को जिसरूप से ध्यावो, उसी-रूप परिणमता है -
जेण सरूविं झाइयइ अप्पा एहु अणंतु ।
तेण सरूविं परिणवइ जह फलिहउ-मणि मंतु ॥173॥

Meaning : This Ananta Aiman (infinite soul) is transformed into what it thinks of, just as Sphatika-Mani (crystal) assumes the colour of the flower in conjunction with which it is placed.

+ आत्मा परमात्मा कैसे बनता है? -
एहु जु अप्पा सो परमप्पा कम्म-विसेसेँ जायउ जप्पा ।
जामइँ जाणइ अप्पें अप्पा तामइँ सो जि देउ परमप्पा ॥174॥

Meaning : What is Atman is Parmatman ; this Auman being under the influence of Karmas is Paradhin (subject to others, not independent), but when it knows the true nature of self, then it becomes Parama-Deva (God).

+ मैं ही परमात्मा -
जो परमप्पा णाणमउ सो हउँ देउ अणंतु ।
जो हउँ सो परमप्पु परु एहउ भावि णिभंतु ॥175॥

Meaning : Parmatman who is Jnana-Maee (embodiment of knowledge or knowledge itself) is Ananta Deva (Infinite God); do thou realize that Parmatman within thyself.

+ कर्म-स्वभाव आत्म-स्वभाव से भिन्न -
णिम्मल-फलिहहँ जेम जिय भिण्णउ परकिय-भाउ ।
अप्प-सहावहँ तेम मुणि सयलु वि कम्म-सहाउ ॥176॥

Meaning : As Sphatika-Mani (crystal) being in contiguity with flowers of different colours, in appearance shows itself as red, yellow, black, etc., but looking to the real nature of crystal, these various colours do not appertain to it, the crystal in its real nature being pure white; so does the Atman being Parmatman by nature appear of various shapes and colours on account of the influence of Karmas ; in reality neither shape nor colour appertain to its Shudha Svabhava (pure nature).

+ आत्मा को निर्मल देख -
जेम सहाविं णिम्मलउ फलिहउ तेम सहाउ ।
भंतिए मइलु म मण्णि जिय मइलउ देक्खवि काउ ॥177॥

Meaning : As Sphatika-Mani is pure without any dirt or adulteration so is the Atman; seeing thy body dirty, do not regard thy Atman to be the same.

+ भेदविज्ञान की भावना का रक्त पीतादि वस्त्र द्वारा दृष्टांत -
रत्तेँ वत्थेँ जेम बुहु देहु ण मण्णइरत्तु ।
देहिं रत्तिं णाणि तहँ अप्पु ण मण्णइ रत्तु ॥178॥
जिण्णिं वत्थिं जेम बुहु देहु ण मण्णइ जिण्णु ।
देहिं जिण्णिं णाणि तहँ अप्पु ण मण्णइ जिण्णु ॥179॥
वत्थु पणट्ठइ जेम बुहु देहु ण मण्णइ णट्ठु ।
णट्ठे देहे णाणि तहँ अप्पु ण मण्णइ णट्ठु ॥180॥
भिण्णउ वत्थु जि जेम जिय देहहँ मण्णइ णाणि ।
देहु वि भिण्णउँ णाणि तहँ अप्पहँ मण्णइ जाणि ॥181॥

Meaning : As the body of a man who is putting on red clothes is not considered red, so the Sages seeing a red body do not consider the Atman to be red.
As the body is not considered old because it happens to be covered over with old and worn out garments, so the Sages seeing a feeble body do not regard the Atman as feeble,
As by the destruction of garments, the body is not destroyed, so the Sages hold that by the destruction of the body, Atman is not destroyed. As the body is separate from clothing, so to a Sage Atman is separate from the body.

+ शरीर को शत्रु की तरह देख -
इहु तणु जीवड तुज्झ रिउ दुक्खइँ जेण जणेइ ।
सो परु जाणहि मित्तु तुहुँ जो तणु एहु हणेइ ॥182॥

Meaning : O soul! This body is thy enemy, because it produces sufferings and pain. Therefore, if anybody destroys thy body, regard him as thy friend.

+ दुःख में भी सकारात्मकता -
उदयहँ आणिवि कम्मु मइँ जं भुंजेवउ होइ ।
तं सह आविउ खविउ मइँ सो पर लाहु जि कोइ ॥183॥

Meaning : Great Yogins by their spiritual force make their previously accumilated Karmas active, and destroy them. If these Karmas become ripened and are destroyed themselves, it is far better.

+ विपरीत परिस्थितियों में आत्म-तत्त्व की भावना -
णिट्ठुर-वयणु सुणेवि जिय जइ मणि सहण ण जाइ ।
तो लहु भावहि बंभु परु जिं मणु झत्ति विलाइ ॥184॥

Meaning : O soul! If thy mind_cannot bear painful words, then be immersed in the meditation of Parama-Brahma or Pure Self, so that thow mightst attain to happiness.

+ कर्म-बंध नहीं करे, आत्म-स्वरूप में लगे -
लोउ विलक्खणु कम्म-वसु इत्थु भवंतरि एइ ।
चुज्जु कि जइ इहु अप्पि ठिउ इत्थु जि भवि ण पडेइ ॥185॥

Meaning : Samsari Jivas (embodied souls) helpless by the force of Karmas, are born in different forms, families and status, and owing to their Karmas also do they wander about in the Samsara. When this Jiva becomes established: in its Pure Self, then it will not have to wander in Samsara ; there is nothing strange in this.

+ कोई दोष ग्रहण करे तो क्षमाभाव रखे -
अवगुण-गहणइँ महुतणइँ जइ जीवहँ संतोसु ।
तो तहँ सोक्खहं हेउ हउँ इउ मण्णिवि चइ रोसु ॥186॥

Meaning : Those who speak ill of me become happy by doing so, and as I become the cause of their happiness, I should not become angry with them, I should rather become contented.

+ सब चिंताओं का निषेध -
जोइय चिंति म किं पि तुहुँ जइ बीहउ दुक्खस्स ।
तिल-तुस-मित्तु वि सल्लडा वेयण करइ अवस्स ॥187॥

Meaning : If thou art afraid of pain then give up every sort of care or anxiety ; as even a little thorn is painful, so, too, is slight Chinta (care or anxiety) the source of pain.

+ मोक्ष की भी चिन्ता नहीं करे -
मोक्खु म चिंतहि जोइया मोक्खु ण चिंतिउ होइ ।
जेण णिबद्धउ जीवडउ मोक्खु करेसइ सोइ ॥188॥

Meaning : O Yogin ! Entertain not anxiety even for Moksha. It is not to be obtained by Chinta. Release thy Jiva (soul) from what has got him in bondage.

+ परमसमाधि द्वारा कर्मों से छूटना होता है -
परम-समाहि-महा-सरहिँ जे बुड्डहिँ पइसेवि ।
अप्पा थक्कइ विमलु तहँ भव-मल जंति वहेवि ॥189॥

Meaning : One who constantly bathes in the Sarovara (lake) of Parama Samadha, washes off all the dirt of Samsara (flesh) and becomes a Shuddha Atman (pure soul).

+ शुभ-अशुभ विकल्पों का नाश ही परम-समाधि -
सयल-वियप्पहँ जो विलउ परम-समाहि भणंति ।
तेण सुहासुह-भावडा मुणि सयल वि मेल्लंति ॥190॥

Meaning : To become free from all Vikalpas (disturbances of mind) is called Parama Samadhi, therefore the Munis (saints) give up all good and bad thoughts.

+ समभाव बिना ज्ञान और तप व्यर्थ -
घोरु करंतु वि तव-चरणु सयल वि सत्थ मुणंतु ।
परम-समाहि-विवज्जयउ णवि देक्खइ सिउ संतु ॥191॥

Meaning : One who practises severe asceticism and has read all the Shastras, but has not established himself in Parama Samadna, cannot see his Shiva Shanta (pure, real self).

+ विषय-कषाय रहित परम-समाधि -
विषय-कसाय वि णिद्दलिवि जे ण समाहि करंति ।
ते परमप्पहँ जोइया णवि आराहय होंति ॥192॥

Meaning : Those Yogins who do not annihilate Vishayas (desires for sensual pleasures) and Kashayas (passions) and who do not establish themselves in the Parama Samadhi, cannot be said to meditate on the Parama Pada (supreme status or God).

+ मात्र बाह्य समाधि से कार्य की सिद्धि नहीं -
परम-समाहि धरेवि मुणि जे परबंभु ण जंति ।
ते भव-दुक्खइँ बहुविहइँ कालु अणंतु सहंति ॥193॥

Meaning : Those Munis who not having established them :elves in Parama Samadhi do not realize Parama Brahma, continue to bear various kinds of pain and suffering in the Samsara for a long time.

+ चित्त से विकल्पों का हटना ही परमसमाधि -
जामु सुहासुह-भावडा णवि सयल वि तुट्टंति ।
परमसमाहि ण तामुमणि केवलि एहु भणंति ॥194॥

Meaning : So long as all good and bad thoughts are not left behind, one cannot attain to the Parama Samadhi. Thus have the Kevalins (omniscient Bhagwans) said.

+ परम-समाधि में लीनता से केवलज्ञान -
सयलवियप्पहँ तुट्टाहँ सिवपयमग्गि वसंतु ।
कम्म-चउक्कइ विलउ गइ अप्पा हुइ अरहंतु ॥195॥

Meaning : By eradicating all traces of Vikalpas (disturbances of mind), by entering on the Moksha Marga (way to emancipation or salvation), and by annihilating the four Ghatiya Karmas, this Jiva (soul) becomes an Arhat.

+ केवलज्ञान की महिमा -
केवलणाणिं अणवरउ लोयालोउ मुणंतु ।
णियमेँ परमाणंदमउ अप्पा हुइ अरहंतु ॥196॥

Meaning : Verily this Atman (self or soul) becomes an Arhat, the knower of the whole of the Loka and Aloka and the enjoyer of the Parama Ananda (highest bliss) by means of A varna-Rahit (unobstructed, i.e., pure and clear) Kewala Jnana (omniscience).

+ केवलज्ञान ही आत्मा का स्वभाव -
जो जिणु केवलणाणमउ परमाणंदसहाउ ।
सो परमप्पउ परमपरु सो जिय अप्पसहाउ ॥197॥

Meaning : The Jina (conqueror of the lower self, that is, Parmatman or God) is Parama Nanda (full of bliss or happiness) and Kewala Jnina Svabhava (omniscient or all knowing). This same highest and supreme status--that of a Jina--is the Svabhava (real nature) of every Jiva (individual soul).

+ कर्मों और दोषों से रहित ही परमात्म-प्रकाश -
सयलहँ कम्महँ दोसहँ वि जो जिणु देउ विभिण्णु ।
सो परमप्प-पयासु तुहुँ जोइय णियमेँ मण्णु ॥198॥

Meaning : O Yogin! Know that Jineswara to be the Parmatma Prakasha who is distinct and separate from att Karmaj and blemishes.

+ अनंतचतुष्टयमयी परमप्रकाश है -
केवल-दंसणु णाणु सुहु वीरिउ जो जि अणंतु ।
सो जिणदेउ वि परममुणि परमपयासु मुणंतु ॥199॥

Meaning : The Jina Deva who possesses the four-fold infinite attributes, that is Kewala Darshana (perfect perception), Kewala Jnana (pure, infinite knowledge) Ananta Sukha (infinite happiness) and Ananta Virya (infinite power), is the Parama Muni (the Supreme Saint) and the same is also Parmatma Prakasha, that is the revealer of the glory of God (in His own Self).

+ जिनदेव के ही अनेक नाम -
जो परमप्पउ परमपउ हरि हरु बंभु वि बुद्धु ।
परम पयासु भणंति मुणि सो जिणदेउ विसुद्धु ॥200॥

Meaning : The Parmatma Parama Pada (supreme status of Godhood) variously described as Harihara, Brahman, Buddha and Parmatma Prakasha- the same is the (status of the) Siddha Jinendra Deva.

+ सिद्ध भगवान -
झाणेँ कम्मक्खउ करिवि मुक्कउ होइ अणंतु ।
जिणवरदेवइँ सो जि जिय पभणिउ सिद्ध महंतु ॥201॥

Meaning : Shri Jinendra Devas have described that Jiva as the Siddha (perfect) Mahant (the supreme saint) who has destroyed his Karmas and obtained absolute, everlasting freedom by the power of self-contemplation.

+ सिद्धों की महिमा -
अण्णु वि बंधु वि तिहुयणहँ सासय-सुक्ख-सहाउ ।
तित्थु जि सयलु वि कालु जिय णिवसइ लद्ध-सहाउ ॥202॥

Meaning : The Siddha Blagwan is free from birth ard death ; is devoid of the various pains of the four grades of beings, and ever dwells in Kewala (pure, infinite) Darshana (seeing), Jnana (knowledge) and Ananda (bliss or happiness).

+ सिद्धों का स्वरूप -
जम्मण-मरण-विवज्जियउ चउ-गइ-दुक्ख विमुक्कु ।
केवल-दंसण-णाणमउ णंदइ तित्थु जि मुक्कु ॥203॥

Meaning : Those Munis who with pure thoughts meditate upon this Parmatma Prakasha (a Grantha which shows or describes Parmatman) and who have conquered Moha Karma (Karma which produces attachment or desire in soul),such Munis alone understand the Parmatma Pada (Godhead or divinity).

+ परमात्मप्रकाश की भावना में लीनता का फल -
जे परमप्प-पयासु मुणि भाविं भावहिँ सत्थु ।
मोहु जिणेविणु सयलु जिय ते बुज्झहिँ परमत्थु ॥204॥

Meaning : Those Munis who are the Bhaktas (lovers or devotees) of this Parmatma Prakasha Grantha, get the Prakash (light or Jnana) which illumines the whole Loka-Loka.

+ परमात्मप्रकाश के अभ्यास का फल -
अण्णु वि भत्तिए जे मुणहिँ इहु परमप्प-पयासु ।
लोयालोय-पयासयरु पावहिँ ते वि पयासु ॥205॥

+ परमात्मप्रकाश के पढ़ने का फल -
जे परमप्प-पयासयहं अणुदिणु णाउ लयंति ।
तुट्टइ मोहु तडत्ति तहँ तिहुयण-णाह हवंति ॥206॥

Meaning : Those who daily think over the name of Parmatma Prakasha, destroy their Moha Karma soon and become the Nathas, masters of the three worlds.

+ परमात्मप्रकाश ग्रंथ के योग्य कौन? -
जे भव-दुक्खहँ बीहिया पउ इच्छहिँ णिव्वाणु ।
इह परमप्प-पयासयहँ ते पर जोग्ग वियाणु ॥207॥

Meaning : Those alone are competent to meditate upon the Parmatma Prakasha (this Grantha or the supreme attributes of Parmatma) who are afraid of the various pains of this Samsara and who wish to obtain Nirvana.

+ और भी -
जे परमप्पहँ भत्तियर विसय ण जे वि रमंति ।
ते परमप्प-पयासयहँ मुणिवर जोग्ग हवंति ॥208॥

Meaning : Those Munis who are Bhakta (devotees) of Parmatma Pada ard do not give their heart to sensual pleasures, are alone fit to comprehend the Parmatma Prakasha.

+ और भी -
णाण-वियक्खणु सुद्ध-मणु जो जणु एहउ कोइ ।
सो परमप्प-पयासयहँ जोग्गु भणंति जि जोइ ॥209॥

Meaning : He who possesses the Jnana (knowledge) of self and whose mind is pure,-such a one is competent to understand the Parmatma Prakasha.

+ शास्त्र का फल -
लक्खण-छंद-विवज्जियउ एहु परमप्प-पयासु ।
कुणइ सुहावइँ भावियउ चउ-गइ-दुक्ख-विणासु ॥210॥

Meaning : This Parmatma Prakasha Grantha which does not possess poetic or linguistic excellence, but simply describes the nature of Parmatma Pada, is a treatise which when studied with a pure mind frees one from the pains incident to the four kinds of living beings.

+ उद्धतपने का त्याग -
इत्थु ण लेवउ पंडियहिँ गुण-दोसु वि पुणरुत्तु ।
भट्ट-पभायर-कारणइँ मइँ पुणु पुणु वि पउत्तु ॥211॥

Meaning : Pandits (learned men) should not find fault with the repetitions contained in this Grantha, because I have said many things over and over again in order to make Prabhakara Bhatta understand them.

+ ग्रन्थकर्ता द्वारा क्षमायाचना -
जं मइँ किं पि विजंपियउ जुत्ताजुत्तु वि इत्थु ।
तं वर-णाणि खमंतु महु जे बुज्झहिँ परमत्थु ॥212॥

Meaning : Those who know the Parmartha should forgive me if I have said any thing improper in this Grantha.

+ ग्रंथ के पढ़ने का फल -
जं तत्तं णाण-रूवं परम-मुणि-गणा णिच्च झायंति चित्ते
जं तत्तं देह-चत्तं णिवसइ भुवणे सव्व-देहीण देहे ।
जं तत्तं दिव्व-देहं तिहुविण-गुरुगं सिज्झए संतजीवे ।
जं तत्तं जस्स सुद्धं फुरइ णियमणे पावए सो हि सिद्धिं ॥213॥

Meaning : Victory to that Shiva-Swaroopa Kewala Bhagwana whose body is alleffulgence, who has obtained Paramatma Pada, who is Natha (Master) of Munis and who possesses that Shukla Dhyana (the purest contemplation) which leads to Moksha and which is unattainable by those who are entangled in the sensual pleasures of this world.

+ अन्त-मंगल -
परम-पय-गयाणं भासओ दिव्व-काओ
मणसि मुणिवराणं मुक्खदो दिव्व-जोओ
विसय-सुह-रयाणं दुल्लहो जो हु लोए
जयउ सिव-सरूवो केवलो को वि बोहो ॥214॥
