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कारणस्य च परिच्छेद्यत्वे करणादिना व्यभिचार: ॥10॥
अन्वयार्थ : कारण को परिच्छेद्य अर्थात् ज्ञेय मानने पर करण अर्थात् इन्द्रियों के साथ व्यभिचार दोष आता है।
Meaning : The view that 'the cause (kārana) of knowledge itself is the object-of-knowledge (jñeya)' carries with it the fault of transgression (vyabhicāra) when applied to the instruments (karaõa) of knowledge. The senses (indriya), the instruments (karaõa) of knowledge, are the cause (kārana) of knowledge but not themselves the objects-ofknowledge (gyeya); these do not know themselves.
