इदमस्मिन्सत्येव भवत्यसति तु न भवत्येव ॥8॥
यथाऽग्नावेव धूमस्तदभावे न भवत्येवेति च ॥9॥
अन्वयार्थ : [इदम्] यह [अस्मिन्] इसके [सति] होने पर [एव] ही [भवति] होता है [तु] किन्तु [असति] नहीं होने पर [न] नहीं [एव] ही [भवति] होता है । [यथा] जैसे [अग्नौ] अग्नि के होने पर [एव] ही [धूम] धुआँ होता है [च] और [तदभावे] उसके अभाव में [न] नहीं [एव] ही [भवति] होता है, [इति] इस प्रकार ।
Meaning : Only in the presence of the object-to-be-proved can the instrumental-object be present, and in the absence the object-to-be-proved the instrumental-object must be absent. As: 'Only in the presence of the fire can the smoke be present, and in the absence of the fire the smoke must be absent.'