+ दोनों नय : असत्य दृष्टि ? -
एए पुण संगहओ पाडिक्कमलक्खणं दुवेण्हं पि ।
तम्हा मिच्छद्दिट्ठी पत्तेयं दो वि मूलणया ॥13॥
एते पुनः संग्रहतः प्रत्येकमलक्षणं द्व्योरपि ।
तस्मान्‌ मिथ्यादृष्टी प्रत्येकं द्वावपि मूलनयौ ॥13॥
अन्वयार्थ : [एए] ये [पुण] फिर [संगहओ] संग्रह (परस्पर अभिन्‍न) नय से [दुर्वेण्हं] दोनों [पि] भी [पाडिक्कमलक्खणं] प्रत्येक अलक्षण (लक्षण वाले नहीं हैं) [तम्हा] इसलिए [पत्तेयं] प्रत्येक [दो] दोनां [वि] ही [मूलणया] मूल नय [मिच्छादिट्ठी] मिथ्यादृष्टि हैं ।
Meaning : These three characteristics of birth, decay and stability must dwell together in harmony to make a real definition of a thing in its integral form. Each Naya therefore, if taken independently, isolated from the other, can never yield an adequate idea of Sat an entity. Both these, therefore, divorced from each other, are wrong in their standpoints.
