+ सापेक्षता न हो तो मिथ्यात्व (विपरीतता) -
इहरा समूहसिद्धो परिणामकओ व्व जो जहिं अत्थो ।
ते तं च ण तं तं चेव व त्ति नियमेण मिच्छत्तं ॥27॥
इतरथा समूहसिद्धः परिणामकृत इव यो यत्रार्थ: ।
तत्‌ तच्च न तत्तद्‌ चैव वेति नियमेन मिथ्यात्वम् ॥27॥
अन्वयार्थ : [इहरा] अन्य प्रकार से (सापेक्षता न हो तो) [समूहसिद्धो] समुदाय (रूप में) प्रतिष्ठित (मत में) [परिणामकओ] परिणाम (रूप) कार्य (उत्पन्न होता है) [व्व] ही जो [जहिं] जिसमें (कारण में) [अत्थो] पदार्थ (सत्‌ होता है) [ते] वह (कार्य) [तं] उस (कारण रूप है) [व] अथवा [ण] नहीं (है वह कार्य-कारण रूप) [च] और [तं] वह (कार्य) [तं] कारण (रूप) [चेव] ही है [त्ति] यह (मान्यता) [णियमेण] नियम से (सिद्धान्ततः) [मिच्छत्तं] मिथ्यात्व (विपरीत) कहा जाता है ।
Meaning : Or if the Nayas the (standpoints) offend against the rule of mutual supplementing such as for instance when one says that the effect and the cause are identical ; or * another says that the effect can never be identical with the cause; or when a third says that the effect and the cause are not at all separate or different from each other. All these absolute statements or unqualified statements are wrong even though it is a fact that an effect is inherent in a cause in as much as the former is either a transformation of the latter or the former is a substance of which the latter forms the constituent.
