+ व्यंजन पर्याय भिन्‍न तथा अभिन्‍न -
जो उण समासओ च्चिय वंजणणिअओ य अत्थणिअओ य ।
अत्थगओ य अभिण्णो भइयव्वो वंजणवियप्पो ॥30॥
यः पुनः समासतश्चैव व्यंजननियतश्चार्थनियतश्च ।
अर्थगतश्चाभिन्‍नो भक्तव्यो व्यंजनविकल्पः ॥30॥
अन्वयार्थ : जो [पुण] फिर [समासओ] संक्षेप (में) [च्चिय] ही [वंजणणियओ] व्यंजननियत (शब्दसापेक्ष) [य] और [अत्थणियओ] अर्थ-नियत (अर्थसापेक्ष) हैं [य] और [अत्थगओ] अर्थगत (विभाग) [अभिण्णे] अभिन्न हैं [य] और [वंजणवियप्पो] व्यंजन-विकल्प [भइयव्वो] भाज्य (भिन्‍न तथा अभिन्‍न) हैं ।
Meaning : Moreover, difference is of two kinds
  1. difference depending on words and
  2. difference not dependent on words that is to say conditioned by meaning.
A division as regards the object itself admits of no further differences, while divisions from the point of view of words are both divisible and not divisible.
